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AncientSmelt is Education Major Computer Science student 💻
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5 months ago
AncientSmelt latest posts

5 months ago - may or may not read an input symbol, but it has to read the top of the stack in every transitil Answer 1

5 months ago - automaton that produces output based on current input and/or previous state is called

5 months ago - The transition a Push down automaton makes it additionally dependent upon thd at th

5 months ago - Turing machine can solve any problem that a modern computer can solve. The Turing machine can be formal

5 months ago - The given array is arr = {1,2,4,3}. Bubble sort is used to sort the array elements. How many iterations will be done to sort the array with improvised version?

5 months ago - It computes the amount of time and spaces required by an algorithm for an input of size No

5 months ago - It computes the amount of time and spaces required by an algorithm for an input of size

6 months ago - It refers to a programming style that does not include any shortcuts to improve performance, but instead relies on sheer computing power to try all possibilities until the solution to a problem is found.

6 months ago - o a programming style that does not include any shortcuts to improve performance,

7 months ago - The runtime complexity of the algorithm is the function defined by the minimum number of steps taken on any instance of size a.

7 months ago - Using Big - O notation, the time taken by the algorithm and the space required to run the algorithm can be ascertained.

7 months ago - The complexity of sorting algorithm calculates the running time of a function in which 'n' number of items are to be sorted.

7 months ago - ince the scratch tapes receive the same number of records, this is a balanced multiway merge.

7 months ago - In an algorithm, it will be terminated after a finite number of steps for all different cases.

7 months ago - technique and has an algorithm that has a reasonably proficient space-time comple

7 months ago - An algorithm is a finite set of instructions, those if followed, accomplishes a particular task.

7 months ago - ollections of objects in which order of elements and duplication of elements do not matte

7 months ago - An English mathematician who studied abstract machines called "Turing Machine" even before computers existed.

7 months ago - nglish mathematician who studied abstract machines called "Turing Machine" even before co

7 months ago - n automaton that produces outputs based on current input and/or previous state is called a transdu

7 months ago - Tasks of an algorithn automaton that produces outputs based on current input and/or previous state is called a transdum

7 months ago - Present State Next State for Input 0 Next State for Input 1

7 months ago - ased on the DFA graphical representation, below, drag and drop the missing transition functio

7 months ago - study of algorithmic processes including their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, impl

7 months ago - e collections of objects in which order of elements and duplication of elements do not