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ContinuousDonkey is Financial Management student 💸
ContinuousDonkey latest posts

4 months ago - This is the _______ production of a good if the individual can produce more than the other individuals.

4 months ago - This implies the existence of tradeoffs wherein these tradeoffs can be illustrated quite nicely by a production possibilities frontier.

4 months ago - What movement was established by Ilustrados which exposed the conditions of the Philippines and demanded reforms from Spain?

4 months ago - Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands (haciendas) owned by the friars like the Rizal family?

4 months ago - Which DOES NOT describe the social, economic and political conditions in the Philippines in the 19th century under the rule of the Spanish colonial regime

4 months ago - What were the courses took and finished by Rizal at the Universidad Central de Madrid? I. Medicine II. Philosophy and Letters III. Fine Arts: painting and Sculpture IV. Foreign Languages: French, German and Italian

4 months ago - The movement which exposed the conditions of the Philippines under the Spanish control and demanded that the country become province of Spain is the Answer

4 months ago - In ‘El Amor Patrio’ how should men profess or express their love for the country according to Jose Rizal? I. Armed rebellion II. Peaceful means III. Productive use of science IV. Use of force and violence

4 months ago - Which event paved way for the influx of liberal ideas from Europe which is also influenced the emergence of Filipino consciousness

4 months ago - The goal of Jose Rizal’s trip to Europe was to observe the European society and to acquire knowledge that will be used in demanding reforms for the Philippines

4 months ago - Arrange the following events in chronological order. I. 1872 Cavite Mutiny II. Execution of the Gomburza III. Founding of the La Liga Filipina IV. Establishment of the Propaganda movement