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ExperiencedLizard is Human Resource Management student đź«‚
ExperiencedLizard latest posts

1 year ago - In lay man’s term, the traditional meaning of gender is “the thing between the legs” and/or the psychological, emotional and sexual attraction towards a member of a different sex.

1 year ago - The World Health Organization released a definition of Gender in 2018 and it states that “Gender refers to the biologically constructed characteristics of women and men, such as genitals, body parts, and built.”

1 year ago - Freud seemed to believe that complete breakdown in women of the Oedipus complex was impossible, since the two desires, possessing the penis of the father and getting the child of the father, were exceedingly difficult to abandon.

1 year ago - The term, gender, is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

1 year ago - Wherever Corazon Aquino went in the campaign, slum area or impoverished village. They came to her with one cry,______________.

1 year ago - According to Corazon Aquino's Speech she said, "The dictator had called him a__________. Yet, two million people threw aside their passivity and fear and escorted him to his grave".

1 year ago - It refers to any dance, literature, music, theatre, or other art form intended to be received and appreciated by ordinary people in a literate and technologically advanced society dominated by urban culture.

1 year ago - Too many shapes, lines or colors can distract or confuse viewers. If you want the viewer to notice or return consistently to one part of the painting simplify the rest of it. Decide what the focus should be and it your eyes get distracted change it. Another way to simplifying your art is to get closer to a single object.

1 year ago - In the visual arts, it is achieved by establishing a pleasing relationship between the different elements. There is unity and harmony if the various parts of a design will give an appearance of belonging together.

1 year ago - Philip Morris International is an American cigarette and tobacco company which sells its products in 180 countries outside the United States. In the Forbes Global 2000 List, it grabbed the top spot with foreign revenue unsurprisingly accounting for 100 percent of total revenue, considering that it sells its products exclusively overseas. What attribute of global corporations does Philip Morris International employ?