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OrdinaryReindeer is Financial Management student 💸
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2 weeks ago
OrdinaryReindeer latest posts

2 weeks ago - This component of communication describes that the receiver should be attentive to the sender to avoid misconception

2 weeks ago - The ability to convince someone to agree with us or convince other people to believe in us granted that it is supported by hard evidence is called hypnotism

2 weeks ago - A form of persuasion where you tell someone to stop what he/she is doing

2 weeks ago - Planning is laying out strategies in order to achieve a desired outcome.

2 weeks ago - The Spiritual Me or the Spiritual Self is further described by James as the "sanctuary of our life" or the:

2 weeks ago - A school is allowed to deny or deprive an erring student of enrollment in AMAU OEd for a maximum period not exceeding 30 days.

2 weeks ago - The practice of Object-Oriented Programming came as early as the year 1976.

2 weeks ago - Which formatting toolbar is used to change the upper case into lower case.

2 weeks ago - A documents are set up to fit 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper, a standard known as letter size paper.

2 weeks ago - There is an available special exercise, diet, cream, and device for getting rid of cellulites and fats.

2 weeks ago - Spot Reduction refers to the assumption that exercising a particular body part reduces fat in that specific area.

2 weeks ago - A person with a negative body image is very much comfortable with his/her own skin.

2 weeks ago - The following are all macronutrients, EXCEPT: Question 2Select one: a. Fats b. Proteins c. Carbohydrates d. Fibers

2 weeks ago - Spot reduction refers to the assumption that exercising a particular body type reduces fat in that specific area.

2 weeks ago - A person who eats rapidly and eats until uncomfortably full has a condition known as Anorexia Athletica.

2 weeks ago - After a few weeks into jogging, Jack manages to sustain his breathing and last longer in his activity. This is an example of the ______ stage of stress.

2 weeks ago - People with asthma should exercise to improve their lung's strength and oxygen capacity.

2 weeks ago - This refer to overtraining the body by not allowing it to have an ample recovery time.

2 weeks ago - The warm-up is part of the exercise routine where the specific fitness component/s are developed.

2 weeks ago - The ideal training frequency for aerobic exerices within a week is between

2 weeks ago - Frequency in the FITT principle refers to the amount of time a work-out bout should last.

2 weeks ago - After running, a typical cool-down exercise is walking; this is to return the body back to its normal conditions.

2 weeks ago - The ideal recovery time of a person who performed a CV endurance activity is ____.

2 weeks ago - The sequence of a correct training program is: Warm-up, Main-set, Stretching, & Cool-down.

2 weeks ago - A purposeful activity that amuses or diverts a person's attention is known as ____.

2 weeks ago - A source of information about the content of food found in packages usually bought from grocery stores.