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RevolutionarySlug is Information Technology student 👩‍💻
Last login
3 months ago
RevolutionarySlug latest posts

3 months ago - int a = 2; int b = 5; int c = 3; int intResult = 0; boolean x = true; boolean y = false; boolean booleanResult = false; What will be the value of intResult or booleanResult if we execute the following expressions?

3 months ago - What will be the value of intResult or booleanResult if we execute the following expressions? booleanResult = !((a + c) > b) && x;

3 months ago - What will be the value of intResult or booleanResult if we execute the following expressions? intResult = a >> 2;

3 months ago - What will be the value of intResult or booleanResult if we execute the following expressions? booleanResult = x && y || x;