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Let P be the statement "you can make n cents postage using 3-cent and 5-cent stamps." Suppose you want to use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to show that P is true for all n =E2=89=A5 8.You begin by proving P(8), which is true because 8 cents postage can be made with one 3-cent stamp and one 5-cent stamp.Which of the following will show that the implication P(k) -> P(k+1) in the inductive step is true for all k =E2=89=A5 8?

  • Take all stamps that are used to make k cents postage, remove a 5-cent postage and replace with a 3-cent stamp
  • Take all stamps that are used to make k cents postage and add a 3-cent stamp
  • none of the given Correct
  • Take all stamps that are used to make k cents postage and add a 5-cent stamp
  • Take all stamps that are used to make k cents postage, remove three 3-cent postage and replace with two 5-cent stamp
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