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People with qualifications as managers, executives, professionals, technicians or similar, who move within the internal labor markets of trans-national corporations and international organizations, or who seek employment through international labor markets for scarce skills:

  • Deportation
  • Evacuation
  • Migration Correct
  • Repatriation
SimpleStoat - 1 year ago
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CheapSnail - 1 year ago
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PowerfulBarracuda - 1 year ago
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JointParrotfish - 1 year ago
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MusicalEel - 1 year ago
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FrightenedPossum - 1 year ago
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SatisfactoryAnt - 1 year ago
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SmoothWildebeest - 1 year ago
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SwiftPeacock - 1 year ago
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BlackSeahorse - 1 year ago
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AsleepCentipede - 1 year ago
Downvoted: its wrong
AutomaticGayal - 2 years ago
Downvoted: Highly skilled and business migrants
SubjectiveWolverine - 2 years ago
Downvoted this question
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