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What is a characteristic of UDP? What range of ports can either be used by TCP or UDP to identify the requested service on the destination device or as a client source port?

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AshamedReindeer - 11 months ago
Upvoted this question
CrazyBear - 11 months ago
Downvoted this question
GlamorousHamster - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
ZealousGayal - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
PeculiarBee - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
RainyGamefowl - 1 year ago
Downvoted: Connectionless
TanPartridge - 1 year ago
Downvoted: wrong answer
NutritiousCat - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
BrightGuanaco - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
BlondeLion - 1 year ago
Downvoted: it was two question TWO DIFFERENT QUESTIONS
VisitingHorse - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
EligibleGopher - 1 year ago
Downvoted: the answer is connectionless
RedundantAsp - 1 year ago
Downvoted: What is a characteristic of UDP?
PoisedRaccoon - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
CorporateTapir - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
SophisticatedLocust - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
AmericanHare - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
NarrowWhippet - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
MoralRabbit - 1 year ago
Downvoted: 2 questions mixed together
WorthwhileUrial - 1 year ago
Upvoted this question
GratefulMarlin - 1 year ago
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RequiredGoose - 1 year ago
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LonelyCockroach - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
BumpyMarmoset - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
BrilliantSheep - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
SuperbTuna - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
RealisticGayal - 1 year ago
Downvoted this question
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