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Macroeconomics Theory and Practice

Showing 1-75 of 132 answers

______ Latin term that used in economics means all other non-price factors that affect the amount we consume or produce do not change.
  • Ceteris ParibusCorrect Correct
________ represent a cost to not only individuals but also the macroeconomy or reduce overall economic efficiency in that they represent an unnecessary cost of transforming resources into final goods and services.
  • Menu costsCorrect Correct
_________ is a very small increase of decrease in the quantity of some variable.
  • Marginal changeCorrect Correct
_________ is the level of output at which the labor market is at its natural rate of unemployment.
  • Full Employment OutputCorrect Correct
_________ represents a combination of percentage change and marginal analysis.
  • ElasticityCorrect Correct
__________ a variable that depends on the value of the independent variable(s) can be seen in the left side of the equation.
  • Dependent variableCorrect Correct
__________ is also referred to as a direct relationship. As the value of X increases, the value of Y increases.
  • PositiveCorrect Correct
__________ is an advantage of a person who can produce a good or service with fewer resources than another person.
  • AbsoluteCorrect Correct
__________ is described as a fixed-weight price index (also referred to as a Laspeyres price index), which measures the cost of a fixed basket of goods relative to a base period
  • current-year total cost of market basket of goods and services / base-year total cost of market basket of goods and services Correct
__________ is when many suppliers and many consumers engaged in trade without interference from government.
  • Competitive Free MarketCorrect Correct
__________ Unemployment is associated with business cycles and, more particularly, with temporary downturns in the economy
  • CynicalCorrect Correct
___________ = (Number Unemployed / Labor Force) * 100
  • Unemployment RateCorrect Correct
___________ = Labor Force / Civilian Non institutional Population * 100
  • Participation RateCorrect Correct
___________ a legal requirement that maintains the market price above the equilibrium price.
  • Price FloorCorrect Correct
___________ as the price of a good or service increases the quantity you would be willing and able
  • Law of SupplyCorrect Correct
___________ is a legal requirement that maintains the market price below the equilibrium price.
  • Price CeilingCorrect Correct
___________ is a term used to denote a very high rate of inflation.
  • HyperinflationCorrect Correct
___________ is also known as the Implicit GDP Deflator or Implicit Price
  • Nominal (current-dollar) GDP /Real (constant-dollar) GDP * Correct
___________ is nominal wage corrected for the average level of prices.
  • Real wageCorrect Correct
___________ is the amount of labor demanded by firms at a given real wage rate.
  • Labor Demand CurveCorrect Correct
___________ relates to the effect that a small or unit change one variable has on another variable.
  • Marginal analysisCorrect Correct
____________ a graph that indicates all possible combinations of two goods or services that can be produced within an economy given the full and efficient use of all available resources.
  • Production Possibilities curveCorrect Correct
____________ is when we specialize and both benefit after the exchange
  • Positive sum gameCorrect Correct
_____________ unemployment arising from frictional, structural, and seasonal unemployment, further as described as the unemployment rate that coexists with macroeconomic stability.
  • Natural Rate of UnemploymentCorrect Correct
______________ - average output per hour of labor (e.g., total real GDP divided by the total number of labor-hours worked)
  • ProductivityCorrect Correct
______________ is a movement along a fixed supply curve in response to a change in the price of that good, ceteris paribus (everything else unchanged).
  • Change on Quantity SuppliedCorrect Correct
______________ is the characteristic of money or currency where it can be used as a medium of exchange for any good or service.
  • General Purchasing PowerCorrect Correct
__________________ - the market value of final goods and services (i.e., sold to final
  • Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Correct
_____________________- the market value of final goods and services produced by labor and property supplied by the residents of a nation during a specific period, usually year
  • Nominal Gross National Product (GNP)Correct Correct
____________________the amount by which the value of a firm's finished products exceeds the value of goods and services the firm purchases
  • Value AddedCorrect Correct
____________consists of transactions that are not documented for various reasons.
  • Underground economyCorrect Correct
___________, as more scarce resources are used to increase production of one good or service, production of another good or service falls by larger and larger amount.
  • Increase Opportunity CostCorrect Correct
___________if a person can produce a good or service with lower opportunity cost than can another
  • Comparative advantageCorrect Correct
___________is the amount that the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied when the market price is below the equilibrium price.
  • ShortageCorrect Correct
___________is the quantity of goods and services that can be purchased with a given amount of money; the value of money
  • Purchasing PowerCorrect Correct
__________- percentage rate of increase in the price index per period.
  • Inflation RateCorrect Correct
__________as the price of a good or services increases, the quantity you would be willing and able to purchase during some period of time declines.
  • Law of DemandCorrect Correct
__________as the shift of the supply curve in response to a change in one of the variables assumed to be held constant under the ceteris paribus assumption (e.g., technology), holding the good's price constant.
  • Change in SupplyCorrect Correct
__________is the amount that the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded when the market price is above the equilibrium price.
  • SurplusCorrect Correct
__________is the measure of the average level of prices for some specified bundle of goods and services, relative to the prices in a specified base year
  • Price IndexCorrect Correct
__________is the price at which the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied. Other things being unchanged, there is no tendency for this price to change.
  • Equilibrium PriceCorrect Correct
A _______ is the opposite situation of a price ceiling.
  • Price floorCorrect Correct
A _______is a collection of suppliers and consumers engaged in trade.
  • MarketCorrect Correct
A legal requirement that maintains the market price below the equilibrium price.
  • Price Ceiling Correct
A line showing X and Y pair is referred as ____________.
  • CurveCorrect Correct
A market is in _______ when the quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied at the market price.
  • EquilibriumCorrect Correct
A market is in ______________ when the quantity demand is equal to quantity supplied at the market price.
  • EquilibriumCorrect Correct
A period of decline in total output, income, employment, and trade, usually lasting from six months to a year.
  • RecessionCorrect Correct
A recession that is major both in scale and duration.
  • DepressionCorrect Correct
A shift of the demand curve in response to a change in one of the variables assumed to be held constant under the ceteris paribus assumption (e.g., income), holding the good's price constant.
  • Change in DemandCorrect Correct
According to __________, that if more of the time is spent in one activity then you must invest your resources to develop specialized tools or machines to aid me in my task.
  • SmithCorrect Correct
Accurately describes historical outcomes, and It must make reasonable predictions about the results of future observations.
  • Good Economic ModelCorrect Correct
An increase in income leads to a decrease in demand (the demand curve shifts to the left).
  • Inferior GoodCorrect Correct
An increase in income leads to an increase in demand (the demand curve shifts to the right).
  • Normal GoodCorrect Correct
Analysis of the behavior of an economy as a whole.
  • MacroeconomicsCorrect Correct
Analysis of the behavior of individual decision-making units (individuals, households, firms).
  • MicroeconomicsCorrect Correct
Another problem with the unemployment rate as a measure of overall labor activity is that the employed may not be working as much as they would like
  • TRUECorrect Correct
Cartesian coordinate system is not the usual graphical representation.
  • FALSECorrect Correct
Ceteris paribus, means
  • Other things being equalCorrect Correct
Civilian Non institutional Population - persons 16 years of age and older who are not inmates of institutions
  • TRUE Correct
Civilian Non institutional Population - persons years of age and older who are not inmates of institutions
  • TRUECorrect Correct
Common characteristics in each of the relationship of two variables is that the change in independent variable X produces a change in dependent variable Y and represented in a math equation.
  • TRUECorrect Correct
Compute the opportunity cost , where 10 mobile phones is to 5 Simcards.
  • The correct answers are: _________ simcard., 1/2 Correct
Compute the opportunity cost , where mobile phones is to Simcards
  • The correct answers are: _________ simcard, /Correct Correct
Consumer Price Index (CPI) includes
  • Only goods and services purchased by households included Quantities fixed (the market basket) Imports (of consumer goods) included Correct
Consumer Price Index=Only goods and services purchased by households included Quantities fixed (the market basket) Imports (of consumer goods) included.
  • TRUE Correct
consumers) produced by a nation during a specific period, usually 1 year.
  • consumers) produced by a nation during a specific period, usually 1 year. Correct
consumers) produced by a nation during a specific period, usually year
  • consumers) produced by a nation during a specific period, usually yearCorrect Correct
Cost-Push Inflation - caused by an increase in the costs of production of goods and services.
  • TRUECorrect Correct
Deflation = Decrease in average level of prices
  • TRUE Correct
Deflation Rate = Price Index Year 2 - Price Index Year 1 /Price Index Year 1 * 100
  • Price Index Year - Price Index Year /Price Index Year * Correct
Demand-Pull Inflation - caused by an increase in aggregate demand for goods and services.
  • TRUECorrect Correct
Economic growth is
  • The change in the physical output of an economy, typically measured as the change in Real GDPCorrect Correct
GDP Deflator = Nominal (current-dollar) GDP /Real (constant-dollar) GDP * 100
  • TRUE Correct
GDP Deflator = Nominal GDP/Real GDP x 100
  • TRUE Correct
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