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Advanced Database Management Systems

Showing 1-75 of 139 answers

a database ______ is the smallest unit of storage in Oracle.
  • block Correct
A default installation of the Oracle database using the Oracle Universal Installer with a seed database, or using the Database Creation Assistant, will automatically create a password file.
  • True Correct
A distinct advantage to using ARCHIVELOG mode is that you can perform online backups (also known as hot backups), while the database is available to users.
  • True Correct
Access Paths Analyze the impact of creating new indexes, materialized views, and partitioning.
  • True Correct
After the capture operation is complete, the captured information must be preprocessed by transforming the captured data into replay files that can be easily replayed on the target system
  • True Correct
At which level does ASM perform mirroring?
  • At the database object level Correct
Backing up the control file for a database running in ARCHIVELOG mode produces the same end result as the method you use in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
  • True Correct
backout options: CASCADE Back out all transactions and their dependent transactions.
  • True Correct
backout options: NOCASCADE Back out only the specified transaction, if possible.
  • True Correct
backout options: NOCASCADE_FORCE Back out the specified transactions, ignoring dependent transactions.
  • True Correct
backout options: NONCONFLICT_ONLY Back out changes to nonconflicting rows of the specified transaction only
  • True Correct
backup is the default type of incremental backup that backs up all changed blocks since the last level 0 or level 1 incremental backup
  • differential Correct
backup of a database involves reading a set of database rows and writing them to a file
  • logical Correct
backups back up all changed blocks since the last level 0 incremental backup
  • cumulative incremental Correct
backups involve copying the files that constitute the database. These backups are also referred to as file system backups because they involve using operating system file backup commands.
  • physical Correct
Before running the first replay, you must perform some prerequisite checks: Ensure that the target system has access to the replay directory
  • True Correct
Before running the first replay, you must perform some prerequisite checks:Remap connection strings to the replay system from the production system.
  • True Correct
Before running the first replay, you must perform some prerequisite checks:Remap references to other production systems via database links, external .tables, directory objects, URLs, and E-mail notifications.
  • True Correct
Choose the four best commands from the following list that you would use to enable ARCHIVELOG mode, and put them in the correct order: 1. STARUP MOUNT 2. SHUTDOWN ABORT 3. ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG; 4. STARTUP FORCE 5. ALTER DATABASE ENABLE ARCHIVELOG; 6. ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE; 7. SHUTDOWN NORMAL 8. ALTER DATABASE OPEN; 9. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE
  • 9, 1, 3, 8 Correct
contains two major subcaches: the library cache and the data dictionary cache.
  • shared pool Correct
DUPLICATE command: NOFILENAMECHECK Don’t check for duplicate filenames between the source and destination databases.
  • True Correct
DUPLICATE command: OPEN RESTRICTED When the destination database is ready, open it immediately with the RESTRICTED SESSION option.
  • True Correct
DUPLICATE command: SKIP READONLY Exclude read-only tablespaces from the copy operation.
  • True Correct
DUPLICATE command: SKIP TABLESPACE Exclude specific tablespaces, except for SYSTEM and UNDO.
  • True Correct
holds the most recent changes to the data blocks in the datafiles.
  • redo log buffer Correct
Identify the correct statement regarding duplicate databases created with RMAN.
  • RMAN copies the database from the target to the duplicate database and both can have the same name. Correct
Identify the correct statement regarding TSPITR terminology.
  • The recovery set is the group of datafiles containing the tablespace(s) to be recovered. Correct
Identify the data dictionary view you can use to check for object dependencies between tablespaces.
  • TS_PITR_CHECK Correct
Identify the true statement about Automatic Memory Management (AMM).
  • MEMORY_MAX_TARGET enables AMM, and it is a dynamic parameter. Correct
Identify the true statement about Flashback Data Archives.
  • If you do not specify a RETENTION clause for a Flashback Data Archive, you must specify it when assigning a table to the Flashback Data Archive. Correct
Identify the true statement regarding incremental and differential backups.
  • A differential backup is the default type of incremental backup and backs up all changed blocks since the last level 0 or level 1 incremental backup. Correct
If a user connection is dropped or a user process otherwise fails, ______ does the cleanup work
  • PMON Correct
If you are interested in recovering only a small set of logically isolated tables to a previous point in time, you may be able to perform recovery using Oracle’s Flashback Table features.
  • True Correct
If you are recovering one or more tablespaces or the entire database from backups that have different passwords, you can conveniently specify all the passwords at once with _______
  • set decryption Correct
If you do not use a recovery catalog, what data dictionary or dynamic performance views must you query to retrieve RMAN backup information?
  • The V$ views on each target such as V$BACKUP_SET and V$DATAFILE_COPY Correct
If you lose all of the tempfiles from your temporary tablespace, what is the most likely result noticed by your users?
  • The users can’t use ORDER BY or GROUP BY in their queries. Correct
If you specify the initialization parameter DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST, what other initialization parameter must be set?
If you want to use two-way mirroring (normal redundancy) for a new disk group, how many failure groups do you need?
  • Two failure groups. Correct
In the case of a system crash or instance failure, due to a power outage or CPU failure, the ______, performs crash recovery by applying the entries in the online redo log files to the datafiles.
  • system monitor Correct
is a block of executable code designed to perform a specific task
  • background process Correct
is a group of extents that form a database object that Oracle treats as a unit, such as a table or index.
  • segment Correct
is an optional area of the SGA. It is used for transactions that interact with more than one database, message buffers for processes performing parallel queries, and RMAN parallel backup and restore operations.
  • large pool Correct
Is in charge of redo log buffer management. It is one of the most active processes in an instance with heavy DML activity.
  • LGWR Correct
is used by the Oracle JVM (Java Virtual Machine) for all Java code and data within a user session.
  • java pool Correct
It refers to one of the log file status in V$LOG described as the log group has not been used yet.
  • unused Correct
It refers to one of the log file status in V$LOG described as the log group is not needed for instance recovery, may be in use for media recovery, and may or may not be archived
  • Inactive Correct
It refers to one of the log file status in V$LOG described as The log is being cleared by ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE. After being cleared, the status changes to UNUSED.
  • clearing Correct
key tuning parameters for the BACKUP command: _________ The maximum number of input files that a channel can have open at a given time.
  • Maxopenfiles Correct
key tuning parameters for the BACKUP command: ____________ The maximum number of files per backupset.
  • filesperset Correct
key tuning parameters for the BACKUP command: ______________ The maximum size of a backup piece per channel.
Other datafiles required to recover the tablespace(s), such as the datafiles for the SYSTEM, UNDO, and TEMP tablespaces
  • auxiliary set Correct
Performance tuning is the final step in a four-step process: planning, implementing, and monitoring must precede it.
  • True Correct
Place the following commands in the correct order for restoring a control file from an RMAN autobackup: 1. RECOVER DATABASE 2. ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS 3. STARTUP NOMOUNT 4. ALTER DATABASE MOUNT 5. RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP
  • 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 Correct
Question text The SGA is a group of memory structures for an Oracle instance that are shared by the users of the database instance
  • True Correct
Recorded client request contains the information: Bind values
  • True Correct
Recorded client request contains the information: SQL text
  • True Correct
Recorded client request contains the information: Transaction information
  • True Correct
Recovery falls into one of two general categories: complete and incomplete.
  • True Correct
RMAN makes it easy to make a full copy or a subset of a target database.
  • True Correct
SCN-based incomplete recovery works well if your applications save the SCN at critical points in a process flow, or the alert or trace logs indicate a serious error as of a particular SCN.
  • True Correct
SQL Profiling Collect auxiliary statistics on a SQL statement along with partial execution statistics and store them in a SQL Profile.
  • True Correct
Statistics Analysis Check for stale or missing statistics, and recommend refreshing or creating them
  • True Correct
Structure Analysis Restructure the SQL statements to see if better execution plans are generated
  • True Correct
The _____ is an area of memory allocating dynamic sections of itself, privately for one set of connection processes.
  • PGA Correct
The _______is the next level of logical grouping in the database
  • extent Correct
The database buffer cache holds blocks of data from disk that have been recently read to satisfy a SELECT statement or that contain modified blocks that have been changed or added from a Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement.
  • True Correct
The four steps to create a set of recommendations are as follows: 1. Create a task 2. Define the workload 3. Generate the recommendations 4. Review and implement the recommendations
  • True Correct
The group of datafiles containing the tablespace(s) to be recovered
  • recovery set Correct
The net service name of your target database is DW and the net service name of your recovery catalog database is RCAT. The environment variable ORACLE_SID has a value of RCAT. Which of the following sets of commands will successfully create a recovery catalog?
  • connect catalog rman/rmanpass create catalog; Correct
The phrase “closed databaserecovery” is somewhat of a misnomer if you consider that the database instance may still be available when one or more datafiles become unavailable.
  • True Correct
The point in time or SCN to which the tablespace will be recovered.
  • target time Correct
The RMAN SWITCH command is equivalent to what SQL command?
The SQL Tuning Advisor analyzes one or more SQL statements sequentially, examining statistics, and potentially recommends creating a SQL profile, new indexes, materialized views, or a revised SQL statement.
  • True Correct
The SQL Tuning Advisor performs all but which of the following analyses?
  • Changes to materialized views Correct
The three possible states of a log file group are INACTIVE, ACTIVE, and CURRENT.
  • True Correct
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