Also known as breathing, involves both bringing air into the lungs (inhalation) and releasing air to the atmosphere (exhalation)?
Answer: external respiration
Amolecule is a particle composed of two or more joined atoms?
Answer: Molecule
Aphasic muscle cell is one that is designed to contract with strength but not for a long time Has a relatively slow onset of contraction?
Answer: slow phasic
Based on a network of interconnected neurons, located primarily in the brain stem -reticular formation It interconnects with the hypothalamic and thalamic stems?
Answer: reticular activating system
Bones that are found in the arms, legs, fingers and toes These bones are longer than they are wide and are cylindrical They move when the muscles around them contract, and they are the most mobile parts of the skeleton?
Answer: Long bones
Bones that are found in the hands, wrists, feet, ears and knees These small, round bones are embedded in tendons and protect them from the great pressure and force they encounter?
Answer: sesamoid bones
Bones that are found in the wrists and ankles and are about equal in their length,width and thickness?
Answer: short bones
Bones that are in the spinal cord and face, which, because of their unique dimension,don't fit in any of the other shape categories?
Answer: Irregular bones
Bones that are small, flat, irregularly shaped bones that form between the flat bones in the skull?
Answer: sutural bones
Bones that make up the skull, shoulder blades, sternum and ribs These curved, thin bones protect internal organs and provide an anchor for muscles?
Answer: Flat bones
Branch of science which focuses on the study of how organisms perform their vital functions?
Answer: Physiology
Cornerstone of human physiology; it is the study of the functions of cells?
Answer: Cell physiology
Decreases heart rate?
Answer: parasympathetic
Dorsal out growth of the medulla It is involved in the control of movement?
Answer: cerebellum
Each muscle cell has a single motor end plate These muscle cells have a membrane that generates an all or nothing muscle impulse?
Answer: mono terminal
Have many mitochondria and they don't fatigue as easily They contract very rapidly(fast twitch)?
Answer: fast phasic oxidative
How many bones does an infant have?
Answer: 300
Increases heart rate?
Answer: sympathetic
Is made of specialized cardiac muscle tissue that allows it to act as a pump within the circulatory system?
Answer: heart
Isa group of specialized muscle cells that do not contract?
Answer: pacemaker
Isa network consisting of blood, blood vessels, and the heart This network supplies tissues in the body with oxygen and other nutrients, transports hormones, and removes unnecessary waste products?
Answer: circulatory system
It allows blood to flow to and from the rest of the body?
Answer: systemic circuit
It contains 80 bones, including the skull, spine and rib cage It forms the central structure of the skeleton, with the function of protecting the brain,spinal cord, heart and lungs?
Answer: Axial skeleton
It is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for gas exchange in animals and plants?
Answer: respiratory system
It is a large molecule
Answer: Macromolecules
It is made up of bones, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and other tissues?
Answer: skeletal system
It is next to the motor cortex and is crucial to developing finely tuned movementsThe primary motor cortex will send the signals out, but it will go through the motor association area?
Answer: motor association area
It is the active phase of ventilation because it is the result of muscle contraction?
Answer: Inspiration
It is the pressure inside the alveoli of the lungs?
Answer: intra alveolar pressure
It is the pressure of the air outside the body?
Answer: Atmospheric pressure
It is the pressure within the pleural cavity?
Answer: intra pleural pressure
It is the process of air flowing into the lungs during inspiration(inhalation) and out of the lungs during expiration (exhalation)?
Answer: pulmonary ventilation
It is the process of letting air out of the lungs during the breathing cycle?
Answer: Expiration
It is the study of functions of the human body
Answer: Human Physiology
It is the study of the effects of diseases on organ or system functions?
Answer: Pathophysiology
It is the study of the functions of specific organs
Answer: Special Physiology
It strictly provides blood to the heart?
Answer: coronary circuit
Itincludes all aspects of the function of the body systems, such ascardio vascular physiology, respiratory physiology, reproductive physiology etc
Answer: Systemic Physiology
Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the cells and blood vessels?
Answer: internal respiration
Points of synaptic connections?
Answer: dendrites
Provides blood flow between the heart and lungs?
Answer: pulmonary circuit
Pump blood?
Answer: ventricles
Pumps in the sarcoplasmic ret that pumps ca from the cytoplasm into the sarcoplasmicreticulum and is bound by a protein?
Answer: calsequesterin
Receive blood?
Answer: atria
Small organ of a cell, which performs a particular function (cell membrane, cytoplasmand nucleus)?
Answer: organelles
The boutons of the motor neuron sits in a depression of the muscle?
Answer: gutter
The membrane around the muscle cell?
Answer: sarcolemma
The part of the neuron that is most like other cells It has the nucleus, genetic machinery, and is where many of the metabolic processes happen?
Answer: Soma
The remaining 126 bones and it includes the arms, legs, shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle The lower portion of the appendicular skeleton protects the major organs associated with digestion and reproduction and provides stability when aperson is walking or running?
Answer: appendicular skeleton
The smallest particle of an element or a molecule?
Answer: atom
There is a protein that lays right over the binding site, making the binding site unavailable?
Answer: tropomyosin
This is everything outside of the CNS (ie nerves) The main purpose of the PNS isto connect the CNS to the limbs and organs?
Answer: Peripheral Nervous system
This is located directly above the medulla and regulates relaxation?
Answer: Pons
This is made up of the brain and spinal cord This is where the control happens?
Answer: central nervous system
This neuron has one axon and numerous dendrites?
Answer: multipolar neuron
This varies between having few mitochondria and no mitochondria It is primarily anaerobic, so its energy comes from carbohydrates through anaerobic metabolism?