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Database Management System 2 (Oracle 10g Admin)

Showing 1-75 of 187 answers

A join condition that is based on all the columns in two or more table that have the same name.
  • Natural Join Correct
A join condition used when a table has columns with match values.
  • Self-Join Correct
A process where an application waits indefinitely to obtain any needed locks.
  • Lockwait Correct
A single row of a table, which contains a single record for that relation.
  • Tuple Correct
A state of the data where a transaction data must not be available to other transactions until the original transaction is committed or rolled back.
  • Isolation Correct
A state of the data where a transaction must be fully complete, saved (committed) or completely undone (rolled back).
  • Atomicity Correct
A state of the data where a transaction must be fully compliant with the state of the database as it was prior to the transaction.
  • Consistency Correct
A state where a transaction data changes must be available, even in the event of database failure.
  • durability Correct
A transaction ends when either of the following occurs. (Choose 5)
  • The correct answers are: CREATE TABLE is issued, The user closes the isqlplus, The user type in Commit, The user encounter system failure, The user type in Rollback Correct
A transaction start when the first ____________ is issued.
  • DML Correct
A type constraint that uniquely identifies each record in a database table and can be applied on one or more column.
  • Unique Correct
A type of constraint that ensures the relationship between tables remain preserved as data is inserted, deleted and modified.
  • Foreign key Correct
A type of constraint that is used to insert a default value into a column.
  • Default Correct
A type of constraint that is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.
  • Check Correct
A type of constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.
  • Primary key Correct
A type of lock that is acquired when an application updates, inserts, or deletes a row.
  • Exclusive Lock (X Lock) Correct
A type of lock that is acquired when an application wants to read and prevent others from updating the same row.
  • Sharelock (S locks) Correct
A type of model that is based on the notion of real-world entities and relationships among them.
  • Entity Relationship Model Correct
A type of that do not exist in the physical database, but their values are derived from other attributes present in the database.
  • Derived Attribute Correct
A type of transaction that is ends the current transactions by making all pending data changes permanent.
  • COMMIT Correct
A type of transaction that rolls back the current transaction to the specified savepoint, thereby discarding any changes or savepoint created after the savepoint to which you are rolling back.
Also known as Oracle Database backup and restore operations
  • Large Pool Correct
Also known as the application or tool that connects to the Oracle Database Processes
  • session Correct
An automatic commit is issued by the Oracle Server under the following circumstances. (Choose 2)
  • The correct answers are: CREATE TABLE is issued, Closes the sqlplus normally by typing exit Correct
An automatic rollback is issued by the oracle under the following circumstances. (Choose 2)
  • The correct answers are: The user encounter system failure, Closes the sqlplus normally by closing he isqlplus using x button Correct
  • KOCHAR, NENA and LEX, DE HAAN Correct
Holds information about changes made to the database
  • Redo Log Buffer Correct
If WITH CHECK OPTION is added on the view (see sample code below) what is/are the restriction?
  • It restricts the users to add a value where course is equal to BSCS onlyCorrec Correct
If WITH READ ONLY is added on the view (see sample code below) what is/are the restriction?
  • NO DML operations allowed on this view. Correct
In planning to install Oracle which of the following is not important to consider.
  • Any Oracle version will do even when multiple products are involved. Correct
In the given complex view example what will be the possible output if this code is run?
  • Cause an error because the JOIN condition is omitted. Correct
It holds information about changes made to the database
  • Redo Log Buffer Correct
It is a collection of data treated as a unit with the main purpose of storing and retrieving related information in the database.
  • Oracle Database Correct
It is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose of a database is to store and retrieve related information.
  • Oracle database Correct
It is a communication between a user process and an instance
  • Connection Correct
It is a communication pathway between a user process and an Oracle Database instance.
  • Connection Correct
It is a join of two or more table that returns only matched rows.
  • Inner Join Correct
It is a named group of related privileges that can be granted to the user. This method makes it easier to revoke and maintain privileges.
  • Role Correct
It is a state of operational database with data at any given time.
  • Database Instance Correct
It is a type a Oracle environment where Oracle Products run.
  • ORACLE_HOME Correct
It is a type of privilege that gain access to the database
  • System Correct
It is a type of privilege that is used to manipulating the content of the database objects.
  • Object Correct
It is a type of process structure that automatically connects to other databases involved in in- doubt distributed transactions
  • Recoverer Process Correct
It is a type of process structure that can collect transaction, redo data and transmit that data to standby destinations.
  • Archiver Processes (ARCn) Correct
It is a type of process structure that cleans up the database buffer cache
  • Process Monitor Process (PMON) Correct
It is a type of process structure that records checkpoint information in Control file on each data file header
  • Checkpoint Process (CKPT) Correct
It is a type of process structure that writes modified (dirty) buffers in the database buffer cache asynchronously while performing other processing to advance the checkpoint
  • Database Writer Process (DBWn) Correct
It is a type of process structure that writes the redo log buffer to a redo log file on disk
  • Log Writer Process (LGWR) Correct
It is a type process structure that automatically connects to other databases involved in in- doubt distributed transactions.
  • Checkpoint Process (CKPT) Correct
It is a type process structure that cleans up the database buffer cache
  • Process Monitor Process (PMON) Correct
It is a type process structure that records checkpoint information in Control file on each data file header.
  • Checkpoint Process (CKPT) Correct
It is also known as specific connection of a user to an instance through a user process
  • Session Correct
It is an attribute or collection of attributes that uniquely identifies an entity among entity set.
  • Key Correct
It is formed when a join condition is omitted.
  • Cartesian Product Correct
It is join between two tables that return the result of an Inner Join as well as the results of Left and Right joins.
  • Outer Join Correct
It is part of the System Global Area (SGA) that hold copies of data blocks that are read from data files.
  • Data Buffer Cache Correct
It is part of the System Global Area which is used to provide memory for Oracle Streams processes
  • Java Pool Correct
It is the key in solving the problems of information management.
  • Database Server Correct
It is the key to solving the problems of information management.
  • Database server Correct
It is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire database.
  • Database Schema Correct
It is used to ensure that data values inside a database follow defines rules for values, range and format
  • Domain Intergrity Correct
It is used to ensures that data values inside a database follow defines rules for values, range and format
  • Domain Intergrity Correct
It occurs when two or more applications wait indefinitely for a resources.
  • Deadlock Correct
It represents the state of a current user login to the database instance.
  • session Correct
Refer to the table AUTHORS and COPY_AUTHORS (Note during the creation of view the condition added is YR_PUBLISHED=2010). Supposed that the user update the YR_PUBLISHED of book OS to from 2010 to 2010 as shown below what is/are the possible output on both table and view?
  • The record of book OS will be removed in the COPY_AUTHORS view since its YR_PUBLIHED is updated to 2016 Correct
Refer to the table AUTHORS and COPY_AUTHORS (Note ID column is with Primary Key constraint). Supposed that the user insert the following values to COPY_AUTHORS view as shown below what is/are the possible output on both table and view?
  • Unique constraint is violated on AUTHORS table Correct
  • The given statement is Outer Join Correct
  • The given statement is not a valid join condition or is incorrect Correct
Supposed that a user performs the query as shown below, what will happen to the data?
  • The manager_id that is equal to null is now change to IT and the job_id of employees under department_id 50,90 or salary greater that 500 have been updated to secretary. Correct
Supposed that table: Workers and Employees is consists of the following values.
This gives the user more flexibility and control when changing data and they ensure data consistency in the event of user process or system failure.
  • Transaction Correct
This is a join clause that produces a cross-product of two or more tables.
  • Cartesian Product Correct
This is a join clause used to specify arbitrary conditions of specify columns to join.
  • ON Correct
This is a join clause used when the columns in two or more tables have the same but of different data type.
  • Using Correct
This is a join clause used when the columns in two or more tables have the same but of different data types.
  • Using Correct
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