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Web Application Development 1

Showing 1-75 of 218 answers

<?php for($x=0;$x<=10;++$x) { print++$x; } ?>
  • 123456789101112 Correct
A line of php code must end with a ?
  • Semicolon ( ; ) Correct
A NULL value is treated as a blank or 0.
  • False Correct
A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement
  • has a distinct form that cannot be duplicated by a join. Correct
A variable declared within a function.
  • local Correct
A way on how to print / display text on the screen.
  • echo Correct
AJAX is a programming language
  • It refers to a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need for a postback or a complete page refresh Correct
Ajax Stands for
  • Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. Correct
All text in a multiple line comment block is ignored?
  • True Correct
All text to the right of a single line comment is not ignored?
  • False Correct
All variables in PHP start with a $(dollar) sign?
  • True Correct
All variables in PHP start with which symbol?
  • $ Correct
An object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers
  • JavaScript Correct
Andi Gutmans was the inventor of PHP.
  • False Correct
Area that can be specified by the cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width properties
  • textarea Correct
Array values are keyed by ______ values (called indexed arrays) or using ______ values (called associative arrays). Of course, these key methods can be combined as well.
  • Integer, String Correct
Assume you would like to sort an array in ascending order by value while preserving key associations. Which of the following PHP sorting functions would you use?
  • asort() Correct
Assuming the table and fields below exists, what is wrong with the following mysql query example: mysql_query("INSERT INTO contacts (firstName, lastName, phoneNumber) VALUES ('Robert', 'Smith', '123-983-2929')");
  • Nothing, everything is fine Correct
Assuming the table and fields below exists, what is wrong with the following mysql query example: mysql_query("INSERT INTO contacts (firstName, lastName, phoneNumber) VALUES ('Robert', 'Smith')");
  • There are more fields than values Correct
Assuming the table and fields below exists, what is wrong with the following mysql query example: mysql_query("INSERT INTO contacts (firstName, lastName) VALUES ('Robert', 'Smith', '123-983-2929')");
  • There are more values than fields Correct
Can hold an unlimited number of characters, and the text renders in a fixed-width font.
  • Textarea Correct
Consider the following code snippet : var grand_Total=eval("10*10+5");
  • 105 as an integer value Correct
Consider the following snippet code var string1 = "123"; var intvalue = 123; alert( string1 + intvalue );
  • 123123 Correct
Converts text to uppercase
  • Upper() Correct
Element represents a control that presents a menu of options.
  • HTML select Correct
Facebook, wordpress uses php as script language.
  • True Correct
Find the SQL statement below that is equal to the following: SELECT NAME FROM CUSTOMER WHERE STATE = 'VA';
For maximum compatibility, you should use the shorthand form to create PHP scripts?
  • False Correct
Function is used to convert a human readable string to a Unix time.
  • strtotime() Correct
Function that is used to check whether a variable is set or not.
  • isset() Correct
Function that select database.
  • mysql_select_db(); Correct
Function trims all spaces from the right of a value
  • RTRIM() Correct
How do you start the shorthand form PHP scripting block?
  • <? … ?> Correct
How many single line commenting types are there?
  • 2 Correct
Identification. Write your answer on the space provided. +, -, *, /, %, are all examples of what category of operators
  • arithmetic operators Correct
Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true otherwise False is the official php resource.
  • False Correct
If a PHP script opens a MySQL connection, the script will automatically close the connection after the script has finished executing?
  • True Correct
If a source file contains PHP code, what extension should be used?
  • php Correct
If I wanted to concatenate a word to a string variable I would use which symbol?
  • . Correct
If the variable $x = 10; , what will $x equal if it is incremented, that is, if I write $x++; what value will $x contain after it has been incremented?
  • 11 Correct
If the variable $x = 11; , what will $x equal if it is incremented, that is, if I write $x++; what value will $x contain after it has been incremented?
  • 12 Correct
In a LIKE clause, you can could ask for any value ending in "qpt" by writing
  • LIKE %qpt Correct
In an SQL SELECT statement querying a single table, the asterisk (*) means that:
  • all columns of the table are to be returned. Correct
In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings
  • True Correct
In PHP, the only way to output text is with echo.
  • False Correct
In which positions PHP's indexed array begin?
  • 0 Correct
Insert into employee _____ (1002,Jeiven,2000); In the given query which of the keyword has to be inserted ?
  • Values Correct
Is allowed us to collect data from the htm file and display to the php script.
  • $_POST Correct
Is the SQL statement correct or not. SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price, vendors.vend_id, products.vend_id FROM vendors INNER JOINS products ON vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id;
  • No Correct
It refers to styles for your documents, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.
  • CSS Correct
It uses spec cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width properties.
  • textarea Correct
It's a function returns the Unix timestamp for a date.
  • mktime() Correct
It's a function that returns the lowest value in a column.
  • Min() Correct
It's a text function that returns convert string to lowercase
  • Lower() Correct
It's a time manipulation function that returns the current date.
  • CurDate() Correct
Its a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need for a postback or a complete page refresh
  • AJAX Correct
JavaScript Code can be called by using
  • Function/Method Correct
Joining values together (by appending them to each other) to form a single long value.
  • concatenate Correct
Look at the following code and determine what will be displayed in the browser: <?php echo "Hello World 1"; // echo "Hello World 2"; ?>
  • Hello World 1 Correct
Multiple Choice. Select the best answer How do you start the standard form PHP scripting block?
  • <?php … ?> Correct
Multiple Choice. Select the best answer How do you write "Hello World" in PHP
  • echo "Hello World"; Correct
MYSQL can be used to:
  • All of the above can be done by MYSQL. Correct
MySQL COUNT() function returns
  • a count of number of non-NULL values of a given expression Correct
MySQL runs on which operating systems?
  • Unix, Linux, Windows and others Correct
MySQL was invented in the year of
  • 1994 Correct
Object is used to exchange data with a server behind the scenes.
  • XMLHttpRequest Correct
One of the main points of interaction between a user and a web site or application. They allow users to send data to the web site.
  • HTML forms Correct
One of the parameters to represent the day of the month
  • d Correct
Option buttons are also called Selection button
  • False Correct
Original developer of JavaScript?
  • Brendan Eich Correct
Original Name of JavaScript
  • LiveScript Correct
Originally PHP is known as "Personal Home Pages"
  • False Correct
Originally PHP is known as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (Personal Home Page)
  • False Correct
Other term use for Option buttons?
  • Radio buttons Correct
PHP 3 was released in 1998.
  • True Correct
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