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2D/3D Digital Animation

Showing 76-108 of 108 answers

The background and the characters are flat and can be filmed from only one side. Traditional drawing animation is done in a non-chronological way, developing first the main action, and filling it up with background images later on.
The blender default mode is the Edit Mode
  • False Correct
the extreme differences in values, colors, textures or other elements
  • Contrast Correct
The goal is draw or paint the objects as accurate to the still life as possible. Find relationships between objects.
  • Drawing from observation Correct
The most elementary part of a mesh which is a single point or position in 3D space and are represented in the 3D Viewport in Edit Mode as small dots.
  • Vertices Correct
the ray comes straight from the camera
  • Camera Correct
the ray is generated by a diffuse reflection or transmission (translucency)
  • Diffuse Correct
the ray is generated by a glossy specular reflection or transmission.
  • Glossy Correct
the ray is generated by a perfectly sharp reflection or transmission
  • Singular Correct
the ray is generated by a transmission through a surface
  • Transmission Correct
the ray is used for (transparent) shadows
  • Shadow Correct
The Sharp flag is used by the split normals and the Edge Split modifier, which are part of the smoothing/customized shading techniques. As seams, it is a property of edges, and these operators set or unset it for selected ones.
  • Mark Sharp and Clear Sharp Correct
The shortcut for Move is G Rotate is R and Scale is S
  • True Correct
The speed at which something moves gives a sense of what the object is, the weight of an object, and why it is moving. Something like an eye blink can be fast or slow. If it’s fast, a character will seem alert and awake.
  • Timing Correct
The way you arrange or divide the space in your artwork. Do not have a lot of empty space in your art.
  • Composition Correct
These are global settings that apply to all instances of folicle systems. The resolution of the strands is controlled by the step values in particle settings. Each hair system uses the material identified in the particle settings
  • Hair Correct
These are used to build the actual surface of the object. They are what you see when you render the mesh. If this area does not contain of it, it will simply be transparent or non-existent in the rendered image.
  • Faces Correct
This edge property, a value between (0.0 to 1.0), is used by the Bevel Modifier to control the bevel intensity of the edges. This operator enters an interactive mode (a bit like transform tools), where by moving the mouse (or typing a value with the keyboard) you can set the bevel weight of selected edges. If two or more edges are selected, this operator alters the average weight of the edges.
  • Adjust Bevel Weight Correct
This effect mimics real subsurface scattering by blurring the diffuse lighting in screen space.
  • Subsurface Scattering Correct
This is a way of deforming an object such that it shows how rigid the object is. For example if a rubber ball bounces and hits the ground it will tend to flatten when it hits.
  • Squash and Stretch Correct
This option will create triangular faces from any group of selected edges or vertices, as long as they form one or more complete perimeters.
  • Fill Correct
This takes a selection of faces and solidifies them by extruding them uniformly to give volume to a non-manifold surface. This is also available as a Modifier. After using the tool, you can set the offset distance in the Adjust Last Operation panel.
  • Solidify Correct
This tool allows you to merge all selected vertices to a unique one, dissolving all others. You can choose the location of the surviving vertex in the menu this tool pops up before executing
  • Merging Vertices Correct
This tool selects all edges between two faces forming an angle greater than the angle value, where an increasing angle selects sharper edges.
  • Select Sharp Edges Correct
Tools for coloring image textures in the 3D View.
  • Texture Paint Correct
Tools for making properties of objects dependent on time.
  • Animation Correct
Tools for specifying material properties for rendering.
  • Shading Correct
type of stop-motion animation produced by moving two dimensional pieces of material, paper or cloth. The background has to be fixed to the table and everything on the background
Used for the majority of mesh editing operations
  • Edit Mode Correct
used to block in the layout of the basic shapes in the composition. Best compared to a scribble drawing. Seeks to express motion and/or emotive qualities of the composition.
  • Gestural drawing Correct
Vertex is a collection of interconnected edges
  • True Correct
you can make a Face of ODD numbered vertext group
  • True Correct
you can select alternating faces on a mesh through a select command in edit mode
  • True Correct
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