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Introduction to Multimedia

Showing 226-300 of 366 answers

The GIMP tool  is used to move layers, selections or other objects polygonal segments.
  • TRUE Correct
The GIMP tool is used to fill the selected area with a color or pattern
  • True Correct
The goals of the project and the kind of final product will influence the skills needed.
  • True Correct
The growing popularity of multimedia is used to train and educate people world over.
  • True Correct
The Internet has many multimedia elementsembedded  in web pages and web browserssupport a variety of  multimedia formats.
  • TRUE Correct
The Media Control Interface can be used to play waveform audio as well as other media such as MIDI sounds and video.
  • True Correct
The Microsoft Win32 application programming interface (API) provides the following methods for applications to work with MIDI data.
  • True Correct
The most common medium of representing the information.
  • Text Correct
The multimedia audio functions were introduced in 14-bit Windows.
  • True Correct
The multimedia input functions were introduced in 16-bit Windows.
  • True Correct
The navigation structure design is concerned more with the information and how it will be collected, gathered and verified.
  • FALSE Correct
The nonstandard format appears as standard MCI data to your application or to any other application using your custom file handler
  • True Correct
The nonstandard format appears as standard MCI data to your application or to any other application using your custom file handler.
  • False Correct
The number of bits used to save onesample.
  • Sample size Correct
The programs that run on an operating system talk to the hardware.
  • True Correct
The purpose of the story board is to allow you to collect your ideas, order the material, and make revision before investing a great deal of time and effort in the mechanics of creating the project.
  • True Correct
The reader must possess some basic computing and networking skills in order to take advantage of electronic.
  • Technical Difficulties Correct
The sequences of slides, also called pages or screens, that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation.
  • Presentations Correct
The seventh major release of Mac OS X.
  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard Correct
The simplest method documented here is that of using the playsound function.
  • Waveform Audio Correct
The tool  is used to elect the hand-drawn region with free and polygonal segments.
  • TRUE Correct
The two ways to view the editable area in Windows Movie Maker are:
  • Timeline and Storyboard Correct
The unused areas of a page or screen.
  • White space Correct
The various components of multimedia are Text, Audio, Graphics, Video and Animation. All these components work together to represent information in an effective and easy manner.
  • True Correct
Thenew medium for the 19th century, established video as a commonly availablemedium and has since changed the world of mass communications.
  • FALSE Correct
There are financial and time costs related to the use of electronic publishing.
  • Cost Correct
There are two kinds of computerized colors.
  • True Correct
There are upgrade options when you buy a Mac, but unlike a Windows PC, you cannot mix and match components
  • True Correct
These are additional styles that can be either boldface, strikethrough, underlined, and italics.
  • Font Style Correct
These are contents in multimedia which progresses without any navigation control for viewer such as cinema or movie.
  • Linear Correct
These are the collection of text charactersin specific style and size
  • Font Correct
These are tools that allow users to interact with the computer. Usually they are being installed in the computers.
  • Software Correct
These services can also control volume and other effects.
  • Audio Mixer Correct
Theseinclude sound chips, speakers and amplifiers.
  • Audio Device Correct
This application emulates the joy of slapping paint on canvas like no other.
  • Fresh paint Correct
This elements usually depicted to add emotions or feelings on a film or any presentation?
  • Audio Correct
This ensures that the multimedia project is unique and consistently different from other works.
  • Creativity Correct
This is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components.
  • API Correct
This is the option dialog in GIMP where we can change the font, color and size of the text interactively
  • Text Option Dialog Correct
This is usually achieved by controlling the light on your subject.
  • · Form · Shape Correct
This is where the data or information for streaming is located.
  • Server Correct
This leads to problems with reading, particularly over four or five screens, annotation and portability; however, with the advent of smart technology this may not always hold.
  • Comfort Correct
This refers to the audio recording with the method of replicating the original sound waves.
  • Analog Correct
This refers to the materials that are free of use without the governance copy right protection law
  • Public Domain Correct
This tool allows you to darken a specific portion of an image:
  • Burn tool Correct
Thistechnique typically employs the same logic and procedural concept as celanimation, using layers, keyframes and tweening techniques.
  • Computer Animation Correct
Three tools fall under this category, all of which allow for the user to draw a selection around an irregular shape.
  • Crop tools Correct
Tiger shocked executives at Microsoft by offering a number of features, such as fast file searching and improved graphics processing, a complete built-in dictionary.
  • False Correct
To release the library, use the _____________ function.
  • AVIFileExit Correct
Tutorials are sequences of slides, also called pages or screens, that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation
  • False Correct
Tutorials can be used in:
  • Businesses to train their employees Schools and colleges to teach or review subject matter Correct
Under selection tools in GIMP, this tool it selects all instances of a colour in an image.
  • By Colour Correct
Use renderers to handle text and custom data.
  • True Correct
Usercan activate them using a mouse, pointer, touch or voice commands.
  • Icon Correct
Using text to convey information has been around for a long time.
  • True Correct
Usually it is the particular family design of letters or numbers.
  • Typefaces Correct
Video games, movies, cartoons, and more are increasingly using computer animation to create never before seen images.
  • True Correct
Video is a photographicimagesthat are playedback at  speedsof_______________ a second andthe  providethe appearanceoffullmotion.
  • 15-30 frames Correct
Waveform proprietary file format developed byMicrosoft originally to compete with the .MP3 format.
  • FALSE Correct
Web browsers are applications that people use to connect to internet and have a graphical interface for researching, viewing of text and documents, sounds, animation, video, etc.
  • True Correct
Web publishing also known as online publishing.
  • True Correct
Well-placed visual aids can explain concepts with clarity.
  • True Correct
What company made the floppy disk commercially available to the public?
  • IBM Correct
What do you call a handheld device that serves as personal organizer or assistant with internet features?
  • PDA Correct
What does a video sequences consist of?
  • Frames Correct
What does Athanasius Kircher developed?
  • Magic Lantern Correct
What does John Paris popularizedin 1824?
  • Thaumatrope Correct
What does MPEG stands for?
  • Motion Picture Experts Group Correct
What does Sony introduced during Japanese computer show in 1984?
  • CD-ROM Correct
What does this tool ( ) is used for in GIMP?
  • Remove the edges on the area from the image Correct
What does Thomas Edison invetented from the following?
  • Motion Picture Camera Correct
What does TIFF stands for?
  • Tagged-Image File Format Correct
What is a bitmap?
  • An image comprised of a series of colored pixels Correct
What is a cakewalk?
  • A music sequencing and notion software Correct
What is a Phenakistoscope?
  • It is the first widespread animation device that created a fluent illusion of motion which figures are viewed through a slit Correct
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