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Web Application Development 1

Showing 151-218 of 218 answers

True or False - The operator OR, when used to link two or concept terms will retrieve fewer records because both terms need not be present in each article.
  • False Correct
True or False - Using the operator AND to combine concept terms is a good way to increase the number of records retrieved in a search.
  • False Correct
True or False. JavaScript can be inserted into any web page regardless of the file extension.
  • True Correct
Using the $_POST is allowed us to collect data from the htm file and display to the php script
  • $_POST Correct
Using XAMPP server you can use SQL Server database.
  • False Correct
Version 4 of php supports global variables $Get etc. (v4.1)
  • False Correct
What data type will PHP automatically convert the following variable to: $aVariable = "Robert";
  • string (a text variable) Correct
What data type will PHP automatically convert the following variable to:? $aVariable = 99;
  • integer (a number variable) Correct
What does a semicolon signify at the end of a instruction or statement?
  • the end of a PHP statement or instruction Correct
What does PHP stand for?
  • PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Correct
What does SQL stand for?
  • Structured Query Language Correct
What does the following MySQL command do? SELECT * FROM author WHERE auth_name LIKE 'W%';
  • Return those rows from the table author in which the name of the author starts with the character 'W Correct
What functions count elements in an array?
  • count Correct
What is the correct way to end a PHP statement?
  • ; Correct
What is the function of the ucfirst and lcfirst functions?
  • To make the string's first character uppercase or lowercase, respectively Correct
What is the output of the following code snippet? $str = 'asdfghyo off on off'; $replace_pairs = array('a' => 'q', 's' => 'w', 'd' => 'e', 'f' => 'r', 'y' => 'z', 'o' => 'i', 'off' => 'on', 'on' => 'off'); echo strtr($str, $replace_pairs);
  • Qwerghzi on off on Correct
What is the output of the following code? $a=1; ++$a; $a*=$a; echo $a- -;
  • 4 Correct
What is the output of the following? echo strcmp('first', 'second'), ", "; echo strcmp('44', '054'), ", "; echo strcmp('0x80', 'a'), ", "; echo strcmp('a', 'A');
  • -1, 1, -1, 1 Correct
What is the output of the following? echo substr("abcdef", -2), ', '; echo substr("abcdef", 4), ', '; echo substr("abcdef", -3, -1), ', '; echo substr("abcdef", 4, -2), ', '; echo substr("abcdef", 2, -1)
  • Ef, ef, de, , cde Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? < ?php $i = 0; for ($i) { print$i; } ? >
  • error Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php $colors=array("red","green","blue","yellow"); foreach($colors as $value) { echo "$value<br>"; }
  • red green blue yellow Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php $x; for($x=-3;$x<-5;++$x) { print++$x; } ?>
  • no output Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php for($i++;$i==1;$i=2) print"In for loop "; print"After loop\n"; ?>
  • In for loopAfter for loop Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php for($i==2;++$i==$i;++$i) print"In for loop "; print"After loop\n"; ?>
  • In for loop In for loop In for loop In for loop......infinitely Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php for($x=-1;$x<10;--$x) { print$x; } ?>
  • infinite loop Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php for($x=0;$x<=10;$x++) { echo"The number is: $x<br>"; } ?>
  • The number is: 0 The number is: 1 The number is: 2 The number is: 3 The number is: 4 The number is: 5 The number is: 6 The number is: 7 The number is: 8 The number is: 9 The number is: 10 Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php for($x=1;$x<10;++$x) { print"*\t"; } ?>
  • ********* Correct
What will be the output of the following PHP code ? <?php for(1;$i==1;$i=2) print"In for loop "; print"After loop\n"; ?>
  • After for loop Correct
What will happen in this function call?
  • Call by value Correct
What will the following script output?
  • 78 Correct
When a variable is declared, it can only be used 1 time in your PHP source file?
  • False Correct
When three or more AND and OR conditions are combined, it is easier to use the SQL keyword(s):
  • Both IN and NOT IN. Correct
When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL:
  • False Correct
Which function used to get the current time in mysql?
  • NOW() Correct
Which is identified as a special variable, which can store multiple values in one single variable?
  • Array Correct
Which is the correct way to write a multiple line PHP comment?
  • /* .. * Correct
Which is the incorrect way to start a single line PHP comment?
  • /* .. */ Correct
Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by SQL?
  • COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN Correct
Which of the following can add a row to a table?
  • Insert Correct
Which of the following displays the unique values of the column. Select ________ dept_name from instructor;
  • Distinct Correct
Which of the following employee_id will be displayed?
  • 1018 Correct
Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements?
Which of the following is the incorrect way to declare a PHP variable?
  • $a_Number = 9 Correct
Which of the following is the original purpose of SQL?
  • All of the above. Correct
Which of the following statement is not true about MySQL DROP command?
  • it can be used to delete only data but not structure of a table Correct
Which of the following statements contains an error?
  • Select empid where empid = 1009 and lastname = ‘JOHANN; Correct
Which one of the following databases has PHP supported almost since the beginning?
  • MYSQL Correct
Which one of the following denotes the default mysql date format?
  • YYYY-MM-DD Correct
Which one of the following denotes the difference between SELECT and USE command?
  • SELECT checks which database is currently selected, USE selects a database Correct
Which one of the following function is useful for producing a timestamp based on a given date and time.
  • mktime() Correct
Which one of the following is the right way of defining a function in PHP?
  • functionfumctionName(parameters) { function body } Correct
Which one of the following method is used to retrieve the number of rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query
  • affected_rows() Correct
Which one of the following methods is responsible for sending the query to the database?
  • query() Correct
Which one of the following sorts rows in SQL?
  • ORDER BY Correct
Which one of the following statements is used to create a table?
  • CREATE TABLE table_name (column_namecolumn_type); Correct
Which one of the following statements should be used to include a file?
  • include 'filename'; Correct
Which one of these variables has an illegal name?
  • $my-VarV Correct
Which operator will check if two variables are the same?
  • == Correct
Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database?
  • DELETE Correct
Which SQL statement is used to insert a new data in a database?
  • INSERT INTO Correct
Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?
  • INSERT INTO Correct
Which statement will evaluate and include a file into the location where it is called.
  • include statement Correct
Whitespace is not ignored in PHP?
  • False Correct
With SQL, how do you select a column named "FirstName" from a table named "Persons"?
  • SELECT FirstName FROM Persons Correct
With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" is "Peter"?
  • SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName = 'Peter' Correct
Working locally you an access php script by using http://localhosts/filename.php
  • False Correct
XMLHttpRequest object function that cancel request.
  • Abort() Correct
You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following?
  • INSERT Correct
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