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Numerical Methods

Showing 76-150 of 256 answers

In employing Gauss-Seidel method, the most recent values should be used to substitute with the formula of finding x1, x2 and x3, respectively. 
  • True Correct
  • False
In floating point addition, where the exponent of the smaller number must match that of the larger number making 3.141516 x 101 and  2.125 x 102 expressed in 3 digit precision as 0.314 x 102 and  2.13 x 102
  • True Correct
  • False
In general, an n × n matrix will have a characteristic polynomial of degree of n+ 1, and its roots are the eigenvalues of A.
  • n+1 degree
  • n x n degree
  • n-1 degree
  • n degree Correct
In general, an n =C3=97 n matrix will have a characteristic polynomial of degree of n+ 1, and its roots are the eigenvalues of A
  • True
  • False Correct
In giving initial values of x0 and x1, both of them should preferably be close to the solution.
  • True Correct
  • False
In mathematical modeling, a physical system is translated into mathematical expressions in order to be implemented in computers.
  • True Correct
  • False
In matrix multiplication if the number of columns of the 1st matrix is equal to the number of rows of the 2nd one,
  • matrix multiplication may proceed Correct
  • matrix multiplication cannot be performed
  • swap matrices before proceeding
  • No correct answer
In matrix multiplication, a matrix of n x k by k x m size the resulting matrix would have a dimension of
  • k x k
  • n x k
  • m x k
  • n x m Correct
In most cases, __________ is suitable to linear behaving functions and that polynomial interpolation is suitable to non-linear behaving function
  • direct methods
  • iterative methods
  • linear interpolation Correct
  • non-linear interpolation
In Newton-Cotes integration methods, the nodes are uniformly distributed in [a, b] with x0 = a, xn = band the spacing h = (b - a) / n
  • True Correct
  • False
In numerical differentiation, using a very small step size may increase the approximation error
  • True Correct
  • False
In numerical integration, when both the end points of the interval of integration are used as nodes in the methods, the methods are called closed type methods
  • True Correct
  • False
In performing Gauss-Jordan method, although there is no specific procedure to perform this, it is more convenient to
  • No correct answer
  • Eliminate the right hand side of the equation one by one
  • Eliminate all elements below and above at once Correct
  • Eliminate the diagonals one at a time
In root finding algorithms, the requirement of initial values
  • may have one or two initial values Correct
  • no correct answer
  • should have two initial values
  • should have one initial value
In solving systems of linear equations using Gaussian elimination method, if the coefficient of the first variable in the first linear equation is zero and the rest are non-zero:
  • It is not an issue in Gaussian elimination method just like the Cramer's rule
  • Gaussian elimination is not possible
  • Swap the linear equations first to proceed Correct
  • No correct answer
In the analysis of algorithm, this is maximum number of steps taken on any instance of size a
  • amortized
  • average-case
  • best-case
  • worst-case Correct
In the analysis of algorithm, this is minimum number of steps taken on any instance of size a
  • average-case
  • worst-case
  • amortized
  • best-case Correct
In the analysis of algorithm, this is the number of steps taken on any instance of size a
  • average-case Correct
  • worst-case
  • best-case
  • amortized
In the analysis of algorithm, this refers to the number of steps to be taken in an algorithm
  • Time complexity Correct
  • Step complexity
  • Process Complexity
  • Space complexity
In the analysis of algorithm, this refers to the volume of memory
  • Time complexity
  • Step complexity
  • Process Complexity
  • Space complexity Correct
In the case of the tridiagonal system strict diagonal dominance means simply that (with a0 = an = 0) 
  • True Correct
  • False
In the factorization A = LU the matrix L is lower triangular and the matrix U is upper triangular, it is called Crout factorization when
  • Diagond is dominant
  • L is unit lower triangular Correct
  • No answer correct
  • U is unit upper triangular
In the factorization A = LU the matrix L is lower triangular and the matrix U is upper triangular, it is called Doolittle factorization when
  • No correct answer
  • U is unit upper triangular Correct
  • L is unit lower triangular
  • Diagonal is dominant
In using Gauss-Jordan method if a matrix has at least one zero row with non-zero right hand side, the solution
  • No correct answer
  • Doesn't exist Correct
  • Is Zero
  • Is infinite
In using Gaussian elimination method, the system of linear equations is transformed into upper triangular form where the values in the upper part of the diagonal are 0s
  • True
  • False Correct
In using smaller integration interval for multiple segments, Trapezoidal method can reduce the approximation error better than Simpson's 1/3 rule
  • True
  • False Correct
In what method can all of the eigenvalues of a matrix are found simultaneously?
  • Inverse power method
  • Direct method
  • QR method Correct
  • Power method
Interpreting the results graphically is one advantages of using software systems in numerical methods.
  • True Correct
  • False
Inverse of a matrix is possible for
  • Any matrix
  • No correct answer
  • Square matrix Correct
  • Banded matrix
It is a feature which is essential to a system design especially when dealing with changes in computation
  • accuracy
  • adaptability Correct
  • simplicity
  • robustness
It is a process for estimating values that lie between known data points
  • Interconnection
  • Approximation
  • Interpolation Correct
  • Convolution
It is an extension of the Trapezoidal rule This time, it uses three points that would touch the curve of the original function
  • RK4
  • Heun's method
  • Ralston's formula
  • Simpson's 1/3 rule Correct
It is an iterative approach that can be employed to determine the largest or dominant eigenvalue It has the additional benefit that the corresponding eigenvector is obtained as a by-product of the method
  • Inverse power method
  • Direct method
  • QR method
  • Power method Correct
It is determined using the expression f(x) = 0
  • root Correct
  • integral
  • no correct answer
  • derivative
It is impossible to find the complex roots of a polynomial function, using Newton’s Method” is:
  • True Correct
  • False
It is possible to approximate a function by using values outside the data points which is known as the linear interpolation
  • True
  • False Correct
It is the approximate computation of integral usingnumericaltechniques
  • indefinite integral
  • numerical integration Correct
  • definite integral
  • numerical differentiation
It iterative technique for solving a square system of n linear equations with unknown x, where Ax=b
  • Gauss Seidel method Correct
  • Cramer's rule
  • Gaussian Elimination method
  • No correct answer
Just like the Gaussian elimination method, the Gauss-Jordan method involves forward and backward substitution
  • True Correct
  • False
Just like the Newton-Raphson method, the initial guesses affect the convergence of the Secant method.
  • True Correct
  • False
LU decomposition can be viewed as the matrix form of Gaussian elimination
  • True Correct
  • False
Matrix    has repeated eigenvalues
  • True Correct
  • False
Matrix  multiplication may proceed if the number of columns of the 1st matrix is equal to the number of rows of the 2nd one.
  • True Correct
  • False
Methods that uses a single initial value or two initial values that do not necessarily brackets the root where Newton’s method is categorized are called
  • Open method Correct
  • Non-bracketing method
  • Closed method
  • Iterative method
Newton's Method is ideal to function which isDifferentiable also known as a "smooth" functionTranscendental or that which cannot be expressed in finite number of termsContaining multiple roots
  • Both of "Differentiable also known as a =E2=80=9Csmooth=E2=80=9D function" and "Containing multiple roots" are correct
  • "Differentiable also known as a =E2=80=9Csmooth=E2=80=9D function" is correct
  • Both of "Differentiable also known as a =E2=80=9Csmooth=E2=80=9D function" and "Transcendental or that which cannot be expressed in finite number of terms" are correct Correct
  • All of the answers correct
Newton’s method also known as the Newton-Raphson iteration is that, suppose at point xi of the function, there is a tangent at that point. This point is assumed to be:
  • the derivative of the function
  • the lower limit of the interval
  • the root of the function Correct
  • the upper limit of the interval
Newton’s method and secant method has almost the same concept and are both fast.
  • True Correct
  • False
Newton’s method is based on a truncated version of the Taylor series keeping only the first order terms.
  • True Correct
  • False
Newton’s Method is ideal to function which is  Differentiable also known as a “smooth” function Transcendental or that which cannot be expressed in finite number of terms. Containing multiple roots
  • All of the answers correct Correct
  • "Differentiable also known as a “smooth” function" is correct
  • Both of "Differentiable also known as a “smooth” function" and "Transcendental or that which cannot be expressed in finite number of terms" are correct
  • Both of "Differentiable also known as a “smooth” function" and "Containing multiple roots" are correct
Newton’s method is powerful in giving multiple roots of any differentiable function.
  • True Correct
  • False
Numerical integrations such as Trapezoidal and Simpson's 1/3 rule should have intervals that are uniform
  • True Correct
  • False
Numerical methods give more accurate results than analytic methods.
  • True
  • False Correct
One of the advantages of Newton’s method is that its converges fast even if the initial guess was poorly chosen
  • True Correct
  • False
One of the advantages of secant method over the Newton’s Method is the use of derivatives.
  • True Correct
  • False
One of the advantages of using mathematical modeling is the ability to predict an output given a certain input.
  • True Correct
  • False
One of the disadvantages of this method is that it can jump to a value away from the rooth if the slope is small
  • Bisection
  • False position
  • Secant Method Correct
  • Newton-Raphson iteration
Only four points are needed in constructing a fourth order Newton Divided Difference polynomial,
  • True
  • False Correct
Perform floating point addition of 3.1 x 10 -1 and 12.25 x 10 1. If only 3 significant figures are allowed for mantissa, determine the percent accuracy of the result.
  • 9972 % Correct
  • 9901 %
  • 9988 %
  • 8972 %
Positive definite matrix can be efficiently solved using Cholesky decomposition.
  • True Correct
  • False
Power method is an iterative approach that can be employed to determine the largest or dominant eigenvalue
  • True Correct
  • False
Rate of growth of errors are needed to be identified, especially when dealing with iterative methods as this might affect the solution in general.
  • True Correct
  • False
Rearranging rows are prohibited when evaluating the matrix if it is diagonally dominant.
  • True Correct
  • False
Reducing the equidistant points improves the approximation of the function, f(x) by the polynomial, P
  • True
  • False Correct
Roots of transcendental functions are easily approximated using Newton's method provided that f'(x) =E2=89=A0 0
  • True Correct
  • False
Roots of transcendental functions are easily approximated using Newton’s method provided that f’(x) ≠ 0.
  • True Correct
  • False
Secant method is categorized as bracketing method because it uses two points of the secant as initial values.
  • True Correct
  • False
Secant method is nearly as fast as the Newton-Raphson method and ensures convergence rather than the latter.
  • True Correct
  • False
Secant method is usually the best option if the function doesn’t have an exact formula but just a pair of x and y values.
  • True Correct
  • False
Secant method replaces the tangent in Newton’s method to the slope of the function using two initial guesses.
  • True Correct
  • False
Sequential algorithm is an algorithm which can be executed a piece at a time on many different processing devices, and then combined together again at the end to get the correct result
  • True
  • False Correct
Simpson's 1/3 rule is an example of an open type numerical integration method
  • True
  • False Correct
Simpson's 1/3 rule is an extension of the Trapezoidal rule This time, it uses _______ that would touch the curve of the original function
  • two points
  • two to three points
  • three points Correct
  • four points
Simpson's 1/3 rule uses a second degree polynomial formed by the two points of the original function
  • True
  • False Correct
Simpson's rule is a numerical method that approximates the value of a definite integral by using third degree polynomials
  • True
  • False Correct
Since Cramer's rule employ determinants, a system of linear equations with 3 unknowns even with 3 equations cannot be used if the constants are non-zero
  • True
  • False Correct
This course is taught by the mentor:
Professor Franzelino Abella

Franzelino Abella

Master of Arts in Mathematics Education specialization in College Teaching.

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