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Rhythmic Activities

Showing 151-203 of 203 answers

This is a term that denotes the aspects of a quality of movement that is sometimes thought of as dance.
  • rhythm Correct
This refers to the source of force needed to perform movement
Answer: Energy
This refers to the source of force needed to perform movement.
  • Energy Correct
This refers to the visual pattern made by the movements of the dancer's body
Answer: Design
This refers to the visual pattern made by the movements of the dancer's body.
  • Design Correct
This requires unity, cooperation, leadership ability, agility and sense of responsibility to be achieved.
  • Stunt name: Pyramid Type of stunt: Group Correct
This stunt is accomplished by partially squatting and walking forward while maintaining this position
  • Non-locomotor
  • Light apparatus
  • Locomotor Correct
  • Stunts
  • Dances
  • Heavy apparatus
  • Gymnastics movement
This stunt starts with lying on your back on a mat. With palms facingdownwards, keep both arms at the sides. Bend one knee and keep thefoot flat on the ground. Raise your other leg toward the ceiling andthen move it towards your hip before slowly lowering it almost to thefloor. Bring your foot slowly to the right, having your leg point to adirection. Create a circle using these steps before going back to thestarting position.
  • Stunt name: Circling Leg Type of stunt: Individual Correct
Those activities which involve movement only in one place.
  • locomotor
  • stunts
  • non-locomotor Correct
Those activities which involve moving from one place to another.
  • non-locomotor
  • stunts
  • locomotor Correct
True or False If the statement is true, write the word True If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term Note that the system accepts an exact answer Wrong spelling is considered wrongFor example:Q: Whales are reptiles A: False - mammalsClassical music or pop music can be used for rhythmic gymnastics
Answer: True
True or False If the statement is true, write the word True If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term Note that the system accepts an exact answer Wrong spelling is considered wrongFor example:Q: Whales are reptiles A: False - mammalsIn walking, the arms are swung moderately forward and backward
Answer: True
True or False If the statement is true, write the word True If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term Note that the system accepts an exact answer Wrong spelling is considered wrongFor example:Q: Whales are reptiles A: False - mammalsThe Dumbbells is made up of hardwood shaped like a bell at both sides or ends
Answer: True
True or False If the statement is true, write the word True If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term Note that the system accepts an exact answer Wrong spelling is considered wrongFor example:Q: Whales are reptiles A: False - mammalsThe length of the wand used in exercises is 26 to 29 inches
Answer: False - 36 to 39
True or False If the statement is true, write the word True If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term Note that the system accepts an exact answer Wrong spelling is considered wrongFor example:Q: Whales are reptiles A: False - mammalsWands, dumbbells, rings and hoops are examples of heavy apparatus
Answer: False - light
Twisting, bouncing and striking are examples of what movement?
  • locomotor
  • non-locomotor Correct
  • stunts
Uneven Bar
  • Heavy apparatus Correct
  • Light apparatus
  • Locomotor
  • Gymnastics movement
  • Dances
  • Non-locomotor
  • Stunts
Using the arms as support, move your feet towards your hands whilekeeping your knees straight for approximately 8 counts. From thebent position of your body and your legs straight, move forward usingyour arms until you’re back to the starting position.
  • Stunt name: Inch Worm Type of stunt: Imitating Animals Correct
Using the wrong kind of dumbbell may __ the muscles.
  • overstrain Correct
Using the wrong kind of dumbbell may Answer the muscles
Answer: overstrain
Using your arms and hands as support for your weight, lift your bodyupwards, keeping it straight.
  • Stunt name: Standing Upside Down Type of stunt: Individual Correct
Wand exercises are ideal for __ value in the aims and the shoulder girdle
  • flexibility Correct
Wand exercises are ideal for Answer value in the aims and the shoulder girdle
Answer: flexibility
Wands are made of hard wood or rattan of about __ inches long
  • 36 to 39 Correct
Wands are made of hard wood or rattan of about Answer inches long
Answer: 36 to 39
Wands can be made of either hard wood or rattan of about 30 inches in length
  • Non-locomotor
  • Locomotor
  • Gymnastics movement
  • Stunts
  • Dances
  • Heavy apparatus
  • Light apparatus Correct
Wands can come in different colors.
  • True Correct
Wands, dumbbells, rings and hoops are examples ofheavyapparatus.
  • Non-locomotor
  • Stunts
  • Light apparatus Correct
  • Gymnastics movement
  • Locomotor
  • Dances
  • Heavy apparatus
Weights of the dumbbell are removable.
  • True Correct
  • False
What is the measurement of the wands' diameter in inches?
Answer: 1 1/2
When an individual moves in response to a particular rhythm or music, these movements are called
  • rhythm Correct
When an individual moves in response to a particular rhythm or music, these movements are called Answer
Answer: rhythmic movements
When an individual responds to music through movement, this is called
  • rhythm Correct
When an individual responds to music through movement, this is called Answer
Answer: rhythmic movements
Which element of dance does this information belong to?
  • Time Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Emotions
  • Space
  • Body Correct
  • Energy
  • Action
  • Time
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Pathway - traveling
  • Energy
  • Action
  • Time
  • Body
  • Space Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Quality is languid
  • Space
  • Action
  • Body
  • Time
  • Energy Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Resiliency - rebound
  • Time
  • Body
  • Space
  • Action
  • Energy Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Sagittal (Wheel)
  • Energy
  • Space Correct
  • Time
  • Body
  • Action
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Symmetrical
  • Body Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Symmetrical shape
  • Action
  • Time
  • Space
  • Energy
  • Body Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Syncopated accent
  • Space
  • Body
  • Energy
  • Action
  • Time Correct
Which element of dance does this information belong to? Twist
  • Body
  • Action Correct
  • Energy
  • Space
  • Time
Which element of dance does this information belong to?Cross-rhythm
  • Time Correct
  • Action
  • Space
  • Body
  • Energy
Which element of dance does this information belong to?Direction - Rotating
  • Space Correct
  • Action
  • Time
  • Body
  • Energy
Which of the following is not a quality needed to successfully build a human pyramid? Pick two.
  • Balance - endurance Correct
Which of the following is not an example of a floor exercise in aerial position?
  • Crouch jump
  • Overead reach Correct
  • Arch jump
  • Hops
Which of the following is not an example of a floor exercise in standing position?
  • Gymnastics movement Correct
  • Locomotor
  • Heavy apparatus
  • Light apparatus
  • Dances
  • Stunts
  • Non-locomotor
Which of the following is not used in rhythmic gymnastics?
  • garter Correct
  • dumbbells
  • wands
  • balls
  • ropes
  • hoops
With your body bent at the waist, reach for your ankles and walkforward while maintaining this position.
  • Stunt name: Ankle Hold Walk Type of stunt:Individual Correct
Wring the dishcloth
  • Dual Stunt Correct
Wring the dishcloth and merry go round are examples of what kind of stunts?
  • Sitting Position
  • Dual Stunt
  • Group Stunt Correct
  • Individual Stunt
  • Standing Position
  • Lying Position
  • Kneeling Position
This course is taught by the mentor:
Professor Bryan D. Luci

Bryan D. Luci

Master of Arts in Education Major in Art Education.

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