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Audio and Video Production (Digital Imaging)

Showing 301-370 of 370 answers

Thickening can be used in different applications such as industrial part inspection, fingerprint recognition, optical character recognition, and biomedical diagnosis
  • True
  • False Correct
This activity can be achieved utilizing the dilation process and then following the erosion process
  • closing image
  • extracting image
  • opening image Correct
  • filtering image
This activity might be achieved using the erosion process followed by the dilation process
  • filtering image
  • opening image Correct
  • extracting image
  • closing image
This color space is also known as the YIQ color space
  • CMY color space
  • YCbCr color space
  • HSV color space
  • NTSC color space Correct
This filter deals with all kinds of noisy images however it doesn't work on images corrupted by pepper noise
  • geometric mean filter
  • arithmetic mean filter
  • contra harmonic mean filter
  • harmonic mean filter Correct
This filter is a mixture of an order statistics filter and average filter
  • mid-point filter Correct
  • media filter
  • min filter
  • order statistics filter
This filter is basically known as the sharpening filter
  • High-Pass Frequency Domain Filter Correct
  • Unsharp masking
  • Low-Pass Frequency Domain Filter
  • Frequency component
This filter is primarily called as the sharpening filter
  • Frequency component
  • Unsharp masking
  • High-Pass Frequency Domain Filter Correct
  • Low-Pass Frequency Domain Filter
This filter is used to remove salt noise from a noisy picture and to locate dark spots within it It is called _________
  • Max
  • Adaptive
  • Min Correct
  • Wiener
This filter is utilized to eradicate pepper noise out from the noisy image and to identify bright points from the image
  • max filter Correct
  • media filter
  • adaptive filter
  • mid-pint filter
This filter offers a similar performance for noise removal however includes less blurring than the mean filter
  • mid-point filter
  • media filter Correct
  • max filter
  • adaptive filter
This filter offers excellent results compared with other linear smoothing filters when an image is less corrupted due to blurring
  • mid-point filter
  • max filter
  • media filter Correct
  • adaptive filter
This filter provides an improved smoothing results than the arithmetic mean filter and provides more detail from the noisy image
  • geometric mean filter Correct
  • harmonic mean filter
  • arithmetic mean filter
  • contra harmonic mean filter
This filter works on all kinds of noisy images but does not work on images corrupted by pepper noise
  • contra harmonic mean filter
  • arithmetic mean filter
  • geometric mean filter
  • harmonic mean filter Correct
This is also commonly called as an ideal filter since it gives a sharp cut-off
  • Ideal Low-Pass Filter Correct
  • Gausian Filter
  • Sharpening filter
  • Butterworth LPF
This method is largely utilized television for the correction of video representations using cathode ray tubes (CRTs)
  • Image negative
  • Image conversion
  • Power low conversion Correct
  • Identity conversion
This operation can be attained using the erosion process followed by the dilation process
  • filtering image
  • closing image
  • opening image Correct
  • extracting image
This Pass filter transfer function doesn't have any sharp brokenness and obvious cut-off between the passed frequency and the filtered frequency
  • butterworth LPF Correct
  • gausian HPF
  • gausian LPF
  • butterworth HPF
This process includes essential operations such as noise reduction in the image, image enhancement with regards to contrast, and image sharpening
  • Low-level image processing Correct
  • Multi-level image processing
  • Mid-level image processing
  • High-level image processing
This refers to an element that is used for structuring image which can resolve breaks from white objects and this element can also divide black objects
  • dimension
  • erosion
  • corrosion
  • dilation Correct
This signal gives functional conduct relevant to the energy distributed over the (x, y) plane
  • Multi-Dimensional
  • Three-Dimensional signal
  • One-Dimensional signal
  • Two-Dimensional signal Correct
This signal processing is an advanced field of interest in an industry where information is attained from various dimensions
  • One-Dimensional signal
  • Three-Dimensional signal
  • Two-Dimensional Signal
  • Multi-Dimensional signal Correct
This sort of image processing is essentially used in image compression and image watermarking
  • Binary slicing
  • Image slicing
  • Bit plane slicing Correct
  • Gray level slicing
This type of imaging is primarily used in NASA's LANDSAT satellite, which acquires earth images from space for weather monitoring and environmental conditions in specific areas of the Earth
  • Visual imaging Correct
  • Gamma-ray imaging
  • X-ray imaging
  • Ultraviolet imaging
This type of mean filter can work on all types of noisy pictures except for photographs that have been tainted by pepper noise It is called ______
  • Arithmetic
  • Geometric
  • Harmonic Correct
  • Contra Harmonic
To keep the regions with constant gray levels, a large negative constant is included to the filter transfer function before applying on F(u, v)
  • True
  • False Correct
Translates a hue, saturation, value (HSV) image to the equivalent red green blue (RGB) image
  • hsv2rgb Correct
  • mat2gray
  • im2bw
  • imgraythresh
Translates sound waves into nerve impulses, to examine auditory events, rememberHunab and recognize sound sources, and perceive acoustic arrangements
  • Human Visual System
  • Human Auditory System Correct
  • Human Digestive System
  • Human Respiratory System
Unlike ideal HPF, the Butterworth HPF transfer function does not have any sharp discontinuity and clear cut-off between the passed frequency and filtered frequency
  • True Correct
  • False
Usinga linear spatial filter to sharpen a color image is the same as sharpening agray-scale image
  • True Correct
  • False
Visual imaging and ultraviolet imagingare highly utilized in the examination of the human body in medical science
  • True
  • False Correct
Watermarking is the process of installing an owner's or user's secret data to cover informations
  • True
  • False Correct
What are the other ways of obtaining online help in Scilab, other than typing "help" at the command prompt?
  • F3
  • F2
  • F4
  • F1 Correct
What are the shortcut keys to use the command history?
  • Scroll keys
  • Num keys
  • Arrow keys Correct
  • Function keys
What is command use to view the history?
  • Go to the menu Help -> History
  • Go to the menu Edit -> History Correct
  • Go to the menu Control -> History
  • Go to the menu View -> History
What is the command to clear the screen?
  • clea
  • clc Correct
  • clrscr
  • clearscreen
What is the first step in image enhancement for ease of deployment of image processing applications?
  • Thresholding Correct
  • Template Matching
  • Opening
  • Thickening
What is the short cut key to clear the screen?
  • F3 key
  • F4 key
  • F1 key
  • F2 key Correct
When any image is transmitted through a communication channel, compression of the image is required due to the band limitation of the channel rephrase
  • True Correct
  • False
When any image is transmitted through acommunication channel, __________ of the image is required due to the bandlimitation of the channel
  • Mosaicing
  • Compression Correct
  • Segmentation
  • Enhancement
When the canny edge detection method was developed and implemented by John F Canny?
  • 1968
  • 1963
  • 1983
  • 1986 Correct
Whenever it is represented in terms of the collection of pixels, it is said to be in the spatial domain
  • Image Correct
  • Signal
  • Pointer
  • Gesture
Where are the demo programs that demonstrate Scilab's capabilities?
  • Demos Correct
  • Editor
  • File
  • View
Where can you change the font used by Scilab?
  • menu Control
  • menu Preferences Correct
  • menu Editor
  • menu Graphic Windows
Where can you find user contributeddocuments on using and applying Scilab?
  • Control
  • Editor
  • Demo
  • Help Correct
Which algorithm requires the processed pixel to have the same gray level as the original pixel during the conversion?
  • Gray level Slicing
  • Image Negative
  • Power Law Conversion
  • Identity Conversion Correct
Which can be characterized by the sum of the sine/cosine functions of diverse frequencies, multiplied by a different coefficient?
  • Image Enhancement
  • Fourier Transform
  • Non-Periodic Function
  • Periodic Function Correct
Which component is used to determine the quantity of light incident on the location?
  • High-frequency component
  • Illumination Component Correct
  • Low-frequency component
  • Reflectance Component
Which conversion has the process of inverting the gray level in order to have a black value pixel in the original image becomes a white value pixel in the processed image, and vice versa?
  • Identity Conversion
  • Contrast Stretching
  • Image Negative Correct
  • Log Conversion
Which filter is used to remove a pixel value by comparing it to the median value of its neighbors?
  • Mean
  • Median Correct
  • Min
  • Mid-Point
Which filter is used to replace each pixel's gray level value with the usual gray level value of its neighbors?
  • High-Pass Filter
  • Low-Pass Average Filter Correct
  • High-Boost Filter
  • Low-Pass Median Filter
Which filter reduces noise by blurring the image until it is no longer visible?
  • High-Boost Filter
  • High-Pass Filter
  • Low-Pass Average Filter
  • Low-Pass Median Filter Correct
Which filter removes a pixel value by comparing it to the median value of its neighbors?
  • Min Filter
  • Mean Filter
  • Median Filter Correct
  • Order Statistics Filter
Which function is used to specify a value forany image filter?
  • Color Image Smoothing Correct
  • Color Image Histogram
  • Color Image Sharping
  • Color Edge Detection
Which is not a category of image-degrading noise?
  • Salt and Pepper Noise
  • Uniform Noise
  • Gaussian Noise
  • Spatial Noise Correct
Which is not a classification of a signal?
  • Time interval
  • Wave Correct
  • Energy
  • Shape
Which is responsible in converting different sound waves into nerve impulses?
  • Human Visual System (HVS)
  • Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
  • Signal Processing
  • Human Auditory System (HAS) Correct
Which is used in examining auditory events, recognition of different source of sounds, or even in interpret acoustic inputs?
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Signal Processing
  • Human Auditory System (HAS) Correct
  • Human Visual System (HVS)
Which method is used for fog removal in captured images and to improve visibility of objects or information in the image?
  • Image Compression
  • Image Enhancement
  • Image Processing Correct
  • Image Watermarking
Which method is used to hide the data by incorporating the user's private information?
  • Image Compression
  • Fog Removal
  • Watermarking Correct
  • Template Matching
Which operation can be used to repair white item breaks as well as divide apart black objects?
  • Opening
  • Erosion
  • Dilation Correct
  • Closing
Which procedure is used to extract features of the original picture from its degraded counterpart, while keeping track of the degradation function and the noise parameter?
  • Image Sharpening
  • Image Degradation
  • Image Enhancement
  • Image Restoration Correct
Which refers to a variety of image processing techniques that deal with the form of picture features?
  • Erosion
  • Morphological Image Processing Correct
  • Dilation
  • Boundary Extraction
Which refers to the smallest item of information from within an image?
  • Image Processing
  • Digital Image
  • Pixel Correct
  • Visible Imaging
Which technique is applied to merge photos captured with different resolutions and lens angles?
  • Template Matching
  • Image Compression
  • Image Mosaicing Correct
  • Image Watermarking
Which type of filter changes the gray level value of every pixel with the normal gray level value of its neighborhood pixels?
  • Order Statistic Filter
  • High-Pass Filter
  • Low-Pass Average Filter Correct
  • Low-Pass Median Filter
Which type of mean filter is used to the noisy picture in order to remove the salt and pepper noise?
  • Harmonic
  • Contra Harmonic Correct
  • Arithmetic
  • Geometric
Wiener filtering eliminates the additive noise and inverts the blurring simultaneously
  • True Correct
  • False
With this color space, a color image has three parts: luminance (Y), hue (I), and the saturation (Q)
  • YCbCr color space Correct
  • CMY color space
  • HSV color space
  • NTSC color space
YIQ color space is also known as what colorspace?
  • RGB
  • NTSC Correct
  • YCbCr
  • HSV
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