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Application Development and Emerging Technology

Showing 151-225 of 570 answers

An operator that returns the first value in a rundown of values that are not falsy such as false, 0, or NaN.
  • OR Correct
  • NAND
  • AND
  • NOT
An upload helper method that returns an array containing all of the data related to the file you uploaded.
  • data Correct
application to help the program perform small or simple task such as formatting a parameter, computation or series of commands
  • single report page Correct
Applying multiple JSON objects on a single file means we can have as many set of objects as we want and not just a single object.
  • True
  • False Correct
are templates for reports
  • queries Correct
Arranges data as documents which we can be considered as JSON objects.
  • Mongo Correct
  • Firebase
  • SQL
  • Redis
At some point, it is essential to refer a DOM to a tree since it represents parent, child, and descendant relationships among elements.
  • True Correct
  • False
bcc stands for Black Carbon Copy
  • False Correct
Block elements usually incorporate the p, nav, main, and div elements.
  • True Correct
  • False
Building a web environment that provisions building database-driven applications can be an overwhelming undertaking and portraying the Windows, Macintosh operating system, and Linux technique.
  • True
  • False Correct
CAPTCHA is very useful on web forms security against online bots, crawlers and spammers
  • True Correct
CAPTCHA uses randomly generated text on an image which users type to confirm
  • True Correct
Chrome Developer Tool is an instrument that is like CSS Lint or the HTML validator-it shields you from falling into basic JavaScript traps.  
  • True
  • False Correct
CI file directory where autoload classes and functions are defined.
  • Application/config/autoload.php Correct
CI file directory where the database configuration settings and database groups is found.
  • Application/config/database.php Correct
CI function code to load the database class.
  • $this->load->database(); Correct
CI method or code that display/echo error messages when form_validation->run() returns false.
  • validation_errors() Correct
CI method or code to load the form validation library.
  • $this->load->library('form_validation') Correct
CI method or code to set a rule in form validation.
  • $this->form_validation->set_rules() Correct
CI method or code to set an error message in form validation.
  • $this->form_validation->set_message() Correct
CI uses Model-Viewable-Controller architecture
  • False Correct
CI, basically contains 4 main folders Application, System, User, Help Guide
  • False Correct
Code Igniter Query Builders (Active Records) allows safer queries.
  • True Correct
CodeIgniter allows us to send email in a neat and simple way. We can load the email class by Declaring $this->load->library('email');
  • True Correct
CodeIgniter constants are defined in application/viewer/constants.php
  • False Correct
CodeIgniter constants are defined in what folder
  • config Correct
CodeIgniter is developed
  • False Correct
CodeIgniter provides rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks.
  • True Correct
CodeIgniter's Image Manipulation class lets you perform Image Thumbnail Creation
  • True Correct
CodeIgniter's Image Manipulation class lets you perform Image Watermaking.
  • False Correct
CodeIgniter's Pagination class is very easy to use, but it is not 100% customizable, either dynamically or via stored preferences.
  • False Correct
Constants are like variables that store values but it can only contain strings and numbers
  • True Correct
Constructors are useful if you need to set some default values, or run a default process when your class is instantiated.
  • False Correct
Constructors do return a value and they can do some default work.
  • False Correct
Contrasting with C++ and Java, functions are known first-class citizens because functions can be replaced by variables. 
  • True
  • False Correct
Controller is also knows as the data access layer.
  • False Correct
CRUD is an architectural style for giving guidelines between PC systems from the web, making it simpler for systems to interact with one another.
  • True
  • False Correct
CSS selectors provide a considerably large number of warnings compare to HTML's validation tools.  
  • True
  • False Correct
Data Access Layer or Persistence Layer of the MVC Layered Architecture.
  • Model Correct
Database group configuration in CI is stored in a multi-dimensional array.
  • True Correct
Database Normalization is the process of organizing records to minimize redundancy.
  • True Correct
Database Normalization is the process of organizing the columns/records or attributes and tables of the database to minimize data redundancy.
  • True Correct
DataTable jQuery plugin helps us enable sorting, pagination and search to our table data.
  • True Correct
Define styles for your documents, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.
  • CSS Correct
Defines a multi-line text input control.
  • //< textarea > tag Correct
Delimiter symbol for rules in form validation.
  • "|" or pipe symbol Correct
Despite placing get and post requests, jQuery can also execute put and delete requests by means of using the general jQuery.ajax() function. $.ajax
  • True
  • False Correct
Different web browsers use the DOM to show and create a visual display of a web page.
  • True Correct
  • False
Element can be placed onto a web page in a pre-checked fashion by setting the checked attribute.
  • Checkbox Correct
Elements from a config.php file are only locally accessible.
  • False Correct
encrypted email as a key
  • md5 Correct
Express allows the developer to highly serve the client-side thru HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • True Correct
  • False
File that will automatically route the index.php next to the Controller
  • .htaccess Correct
File upload directory should set its file permission to ____
  • 777 Correct
Flashinfo are session variables that are only available until the next request.
  • False Correct
For mobile applications, this refers to anything that encourages the user to stay active in the app for a longer period of time.
  • stickiness Correct
Form Helper method or code to return an HTML button.
  • form_button() Correct
Form Helper method or code to return an HTML checkbox input type.
  • form_checkbox() Correct
Form Helper method or code to return an HTML password input type.
  • form_password() Correct
Form Helper method or code to return an HTML radio input type
  • form_radio() Correct
Form Helper method or code to return an HTML text input type.
  • form_input() Correct
formatted result of database queries and contain useful data for decision making and analysis
  • reports Correct
function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query
  • $this->db->insert_id() Correct
Function that fetch the data as a multi-dimentional array
  • result_array() Correct
Function that redirect to other pages.
  • redirect Correct
Function when showing errors in CI page
  • show_404 Correct
functions that accepts input parameters and returns an HTML input form element.
  • form helper class Correct
Get() is a built-in method in jQuery used to retrieve data from the server using the HTTP GET request.
  • True Correct
  • False
Get() method is utilized to recover and request data from a predetermined resource in a server.
  • True Correct
  • False
Git adds [file(s)] refers to a Git command that prepares specific files to succeed for the next commit operation.
  • True Correct
  • False
Git commits -m[msg] is a git command which allows you to execute your staged files with a message.
  • True Correct
  • False
Git Hub is a program that emulates a terminal of Unix in Windows, which can provide you access to Git commands. 
  • True
  • False Correct
Git is the most common and highly recommended free version control program at present.
  • True Correct
  • False
Given the URL State the following 201512345
  • data (ex. id) Correct
Given the URL State the following record
  • method Correct
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