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Developmental Psychology

Showing 76-150 of 311 answers

Developmental Psychology does not focus on how people grow and change over the course of a lifetime.
  • False Correct
Developmental Psychology focuses on biological, socio-emotional and cognitive processes which affect human development.
  • True Correct
Dr. Aryan's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-rearing practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is most likely that Dr. Aryan is a(n) ________ psychologist.
  • Developmental Correct
Dr. Katsuki is a psychologist who uses observational learning to help parents reduce aggressiveness in their children. The first step that he recommends is that parents
  • . help their children remember the behavior. (WRONG) Correct
Dr. Saji has been doing neurosurgery for 10 years. Today, he will perform his 25th surgery, and he cannot help that bit of anxiety because the patient is his relative. He found peace and confidence in recalling the 24 times that he successfully did it, and in the fact that he always gives his best effort in the performance of his duties. Dr. Saji's source of self-efficacy belief is:
  • Mastery Experiences Correct
During 0 to 6 weeks of age, infants have already developed a special preference for a single attachment figure.
  • False Correct
During a workshop on self-awareness, the facilitator asked the participants to pick one of three colored candies. Based on the color of the candies, the participants have to say something about themselves as follows:
  • Yellow candy: State their names, their companies, and their jobs. Red candy: Narrate a peak moment in their lives as leaders Green candy: Share a dream that they repeatedly have Correct
During a workshop on self-awareness, the facilitator asked the participants to pick one of three colored candies. Based on the color of the candies, the participants have to say something about themselves as follows: Yellow candy: State their names, their companies, and their jobs. Red candy: Narrate a peak moment in their lives as leaders Green candy: Share a dream that they repeatedly have The red candy taps on which part of the mind?
  • Conscious Correct
During Piaget's Sensorimotor stage, what is the ability to flexibly altering existing schemas into new schemas called?
  • Accommodation Correct
During the asocial attachment stage, infants enjoy human company and most babies respond equally to any person giving care.
  • False Correct
During the concrete operational stage, the child begins to learn to think hypothetically.
  • False Correct
During the formal operational stage, the child begins to have the ability to think about abstract concepts and thinking in a formal systematic way.
  • True Correct
During the sensorimotor stage (birth - 2 years), children tend to do a lot of exploring thus making Piaget refer to them as "little scientists."
  • True Correct
During which stage is children's developmental focus on studies?
  • Latency (6-12 years) Correct
Early adulthood begins in the late teens or early twenties and lasts through the thirties
  • True Correct
Education, training, and rehabilitation of individuals bank on the capacity of individuals for change. This characteristic of development pertains to which of the following
  • Plasticity Correct
Emma was going to audition for a dramatic role in a stage play. In order to give a good performance, she created a drama scenario with herself playing the role of an orphaned daughter. Playing the image in her mind gave her the confidence to act during the audition. The source of Emma's efficacy was:
  • Imaginal Experiences Correct
Enactive representation involves the encoding and storing of action-based information in a person's memory.
  • True Correct
Equilibration is when an existing schema does not work and thus needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation.
  • False Correct
Erik Erikson defined psychosocial as involving:
  • . the psychological needs of the individual conflicting with the needs of society. Correct
Erik Erikson's interest in identity was greatly influenced by:
  • Freud Correct
Evelyn wants to ensure that her nephew Orlando acquires a sense of identity and develop virtue. She should
  • Encourage him to explore various interests, fields of study and activities Correct
Family, friends, classmates, teachers, neighbors and other people in your community are under which of the following system?
  • Microsystem Correct
Faridah wears a hijab wherever she goes. This situation falls under which of the following?
  • Macrosystem Correct
FILL IN THE BLANK: The Macrosystem encompasses _____ in which the person lives.
  • Cultural Environment Correct
For Bruner, the goal of education should be to create
  • True Correct
For Vygotsky, knowledge and understanding emerge through:
  • an interaction process, by which socially and culturally determined competencies become individualised. Correct
Four-month old Kuina smiles and laughs whenever anyone plays peek-a-boo with her. She also goes happily with whoever carries her. But she cries when she wants to be breastfed. In what stage of attachment development is Kuina?
  • Multiple Attachment Correct
Fred was on the verge of resigning from his work due to his perception that his supervisor was not recognizing his efforts. However, his wife and his father encouraged him to hang on because they believe that he had the necessary soft and hard skills to keep growing on the job. Fred heeded their advice and gave his job his best. One year later, he was promoted as unit supervisor. Fred's efficacy belief originated from:
  • Verbal Persuasion Correct
Freud argued that the individual's personality should be in a state of dynamic equilibrium (balance), and humans may suffer from psychological difficulties if there is too much id, superego or a weak ego
  • True Correct
Hans stole the medicine from the pharmacy because his sick wife's life depended on it. In what stage is Hans?
  • Stage 5. Social Contract and Individual Rights (WRONG) Correct
Harlow and Zimmerman's famous experiment showed that infants developing a close bond depending on their hunger satisfaction.
  • False Correct
he concept of Spiral Curriculum involves information being structured so that complex ideas can be taught at a simplified level first, and then re-visited at more complex levels later on.
  • True Correct
How did Vygotsky see children?
  • hildren are active participants in an interactive process Correct
How many stages of psychosocial development did Erikson describe?
  • Eight Correct
Iconic Mode of Represetation is where information is stored visually in the form of images.
  • True Correct
Iconic representation involves the storage of information in the form of a code, such as language.
  • False Correct
IDENTIFICATION:____ It refers to a setting that does not involve the person as an active participant, but still affects him/her. This includes decisions that have bearing on the person, but in which they have no participation in the decision-making process.
  • Exosystem Correct
IDENTIFICATION:_____ It includes the transitions and shifts in one's lifespan. This may also involve the socio-historical contexts that may influence a person.
  • Chronosystem Correct
If a child struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge?
  • Struggle with feelings of inferiority Correct
In 1877, this significant figure conducted the first systematic study of developmental psychology through detailing the development of his own son's innate forms of communication.
  • Charles Darwin Correct
In 1882, developmental psychology emerged as a specific discipline when this German physiologist published the book, The Mind of the Child, where he described the development of his own daughter from birth to two and a half years.
  • Wilhelm Preyer Correct
In 1882, developmental psychology emerged as a specific discipline when Wilhelm Preyer published a book where he described the development of his daughter from birth to two and a half years. The title of the book was:
  • The Mind of the Child Correct
In 1905, Freud proposed that psychological development in childhood takes place in a series of fixed changes.
  • True Correct
In adults, attachment towards the child includes responding sensitively and appropriately to the child's needs
  • True Correct
In discovery learning, students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned.
  • True Correct
In order for observational learning to occur, the observer must pay attention to the occurring behavior, be able to remember observed behavior, and be motivated to produce the behavior. Which of the following is missing from the above list?
  • Reproduce the behavior Correct
In the Phallic Stage, the child becomes aware of anatomical sex differences, which sets in motion the conflict between erotic attraction, resentment, rivalry, jealousy and fear.
  • True Correct
In the study conducted by Rudolph Schaffer and Peggy Emerson, all of the babies were studied in their own home.
  • True Correct
In this stage of moral development, the child does good things in order to be seen as a good person by others.
  • Good Interpersonal Relationship Correct
In this stage, the child does good in order to avoid being punished.
  • Obedience and Punishment Correct
Incorporating new information into your existing ideas is a process known as:
  • Accommodation (WRONG) Correct
Infant Jed smiles when people talk to him, and even just when the toys hanging over his crib move and make a sound. Jed is in what stage of attachment development?
  • Specific Attachment (not sure) Correct
Infants indiscriminately enjoy human company during 6 weeks to 7 months old.
  • True Correct
Infants until 6 weeks are in the indiscriminate attachment stage manifested by the favorable reaction they make to many kinds of stimuli, both social and non-social.
  • True Correct
It is a time of adolescent sexual experimentation, the successful resolution of which is settling down in a loving one-to-one relationship with another person
  • Genital Stage Correct
It is the difference between what a child can achieve independently and what a child can achieve with guidance and encouragement from a competent person
  • Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Correct
Jarred thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him. Kohlberg would suggest that Jarred demonstrates a(n) ________ morality
  • Preconventional Correct
Jerome Bruner published the study titled Value and Need as Organizing Factors in Perception, in which poor and rich children were asked to estimate the size of coins or wooden disks the size of American pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and half-dollars.
  • True Correct
Jerome Bruner's cognitive development theory is a
  • Constructivist theory Correct
Joey is watching a horse race. He knows that his dog at home has four legs, a tail, and fur. When he sees the horses, he shouts out "Doggies." Joey is demonstrating -
  • Assimilation Correct
John Bowlby defined attachment as a "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings."
  • True Correct
Johnny is playing in his crib when his teddy bear Mr. Peeps falls under the crib. Johnny cries knowing that Mr. Peeps exists somewhere. Johnny is demonstrating -
  • Object permanence Correct
Jose knows that when he goes out to dinner he needs to follow certain rules and mind his manners at the table. Such standards are an example of:
  • Conventional rule Correct
Kevin and his friends dislike their seventh-grade math teacher. They decide to scratch his car in the school parking lot. Kevin knows that this is wrong but doesn't want his friends to think he isn't part of their group. According to Kohlberg, what stage of moral reasoning is Kevin in?
  • Good Interpersonal Relationships Correct
Knowing that someone grew up before TVs existed is an example of understanding someone based on their ______.
  • Chronosystem Correct
Konrad Lorenz developed the ethological theory that newborn animals tend to form a bond with their caregiver.
  • True Correct
Late Adulthood is a time of life review, retirement and new social roles.
  • True Correct
Laura wants to develop baby James' ability to trust. An example of the things she should do is:
  • Carry him when he cries. Correct
Lev Vygotsky coined the term "scaffolding" to describe the way children often building on the information they have already mastered.
  • False Correct
Low self-efficacy and an unresponsive environment are MOST likely to result in
  • learned helplessness. (WRONG) Correct
Maria's mother threw her a birthday party where her relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers attended. This situation reflects which of the following systems?
  • Mesosystem Correct
Mary is carefully studying how her classmate demonstrated the dance steps before she performs them. What Mary is doing mentally is called:
  • Mediational processes Correct
MKO stands for More Knowledgeable Order.
  • False Correct
Most education institutions in the world provide education opportunities from preschool until post-graduate education in cognition of the varying learning needs throughout the ages. What characteristic of development does this government stance take into accou
  • Lifelong Correct
This course is taught by the mentor:
Professor Maria Joy Lorica

Maria Joy Lorica

BS Psychology at Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo.

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