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Developmental Psychology

Showing 151-225 of 311 answers

Nat was busy playing with Lego bricks but when he noticed that his mother was not around, he started crying and he was inconsolable. He stopped only when his mother returned and carried him.
  • Specific Attachment Correct
No psychosexual issues take place during this stage. The libido is dormant. Freud thought that most sexual impulses are repressed during this stage and sexual energy can be sublimated towards school work, hobbies and friendships
  • Latency Stage Correct
Object permanence is knowing that an object still exists, even if it is hidden.
  • True Correct
Observational learning is said to take place when an individual
  • imitates the behavior of a model Correct
Older adults who have already stopped learning are more flexible and are more capable of engaging in more adaptive behaviors.
  • Exosystem Correct
One example of Projection defense mechanism is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • False Correct
People at this stage have developed their own set of moral guidelines and principles which may or may not fit the law. The person will be prepared to act to defend these principles even if it means going against the rest of society in the process and having to pay the consequences of disapproval and or imprisonment.
  • Universal Principles Correct
People's expectations that they are capable of performing a behavior that will produce desired outcomes in any particular situation is called
  • self-efficacy Correct
Piaget believed that the thinking of children in the concrete operational stage are characterized by the following, except:
  • Re-evaluate hypotheses Correct
Piaget's term for organized patterns of thought and behavior used in particular situations
  • Schemes Correct
Piaget's term for the understanding that when a person or object still exists when out of sight:
  • Object permanence Correct
Private speech is, to a large extent, thinking in pure meanings.
  • False Correct
Psychologist Albert Bandura is most closely associated with
  • social cognitive learning Correct
Reciprocal teaching refers to the contemporary educational application of Vygotsky's theories
  • True Correct
Refers to a measure of a child's response to the arrival of a stranger.
  • Stranger Anxiety Correct
Refers to the distress level when a child is away from person giving care and the degree of comfort felt on return.
  • Separation Anxiety Correct
Refers to the interaction where the tutor provides instructions to the child and the child seeks to understand the actions or instructions provided by the tutor.
  • Cooperative or collaborative dialogue Correct
Refers to the speech used to talk to others (typical from the age of two).
  • Social speech Correct
Rose wants to develop her son's sense of autonomy, instead of shame and doubt. She should:
  • . Encourage him to work on his school assignments and home chores Correct
Schemas enable us to form a mental representation of the world.
  • True Correct
Self-efficacy can be built when significant people in our lives such as parents, teachers, managers or coaches communicate to us in order to strengthen our beliefs that we have what it takes to succeed.
  • Verbal Persuasion Correct
Sharif has great confidence in himself as a masseur. However, the economy in his city has recently turned downward, and few people cannot afford a masseur. When Sharif applies for a job at a spa, he will likely have high ______ and low _____.
  • self-efficacy; outcome expectations (Not Sure) Correct
Social cognitive theory relates to learning by:
  • Modeling Others Correct
Speech directed to the self and serves an intellectual function (typical from the age of three).
  • Private speech Correct
Speech that takes on a self-regulating function. It is to a large extent thinking in pure meanings (typical from the age of seven).
  • Silent inner speech Correct
Spiral Curriculum requires students to construct their own knowledge for themselves.
  • False Correct
Successfully completing the eighth stage of psychosocial development leads to the emergence of what quality?
  • Purpose (WRONG) Wisdom (WRONG) Hope (Not Sure) Correct
The _____ is a setting that affects an individual despite the fact that the person is not being an active participant.
  • Exosystem Correct
The "bioecological" approach to human development broke down barriers amongthe social sciences, and built bridges between the disciplines that have allowed findings to emerge about which key elements in the larger social structure, and across societies, are vital for optimal human development.
  • True Correct
The ability to imitate a behavior can be limited by abilities to copy the behavior.
  • Reproduction Correct
The ability to think abstractly and systematically solve problems emerges during the:
  • Formal Operational Stage Correct
The accurate and helpful response to a baby's signals.
  • Sensitive responsiveness Correct
The American psychologist who coined the term scaffolding is -
  • Jerome Bruner Correct
The attachment between the child and the caregiver has to be reciprocal. One person may have an attachment to an individual while the other may not.
  • True Correct
The central theme of Erikson's theory of psychosocial stages was the development of:
  • Personality (WRONG) Correct
The child's libido becomes dormant upon reaching the Latency Stage.
  • True Correct
The concept of Spiral Curriculum involves information being structured so that complex ideas can be taught at a simplified level first, and then re-visited at more complex levels later on.
  • True Correct
The correct sequence of Piaget's stages of cognitive development are
  • Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational Correct
The crisis that arises in young adulthood is concerned with:
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation Correct
The degree that a child looks at the person giving care to check how they should respond to something new
  • Social Referencing Correct
the development of the brain, height and weight, are examples of biological processes that affect human development.
  • True Correct
The developmental period of transition from childhood to early adulthood starts at 3-5 years and ends at 18-22 years.
  • False Correct
The direct environment people have in their lives with which there is direct social interactions.
  • Microsystem Correct
The early developmentalists focused on the mind of the child.
  • True Correct
The Ecological Systems theory states that we are mere recipients of the experiences we have when socializing with the people in the microsystem environment.
  • False Correct
The Ego can guide the individual towards socially acceptable behavior.
  • False Correct
The Ego is the part of the personality that is aware of reality and is in contact with the outside world
  • True Correct
The English psychiatrist who presented his first formal statements of ethologically based attachment theory to the British Psychoanalytic Society in 1957 where he argued that mother-child attachment promotes the child's survival by increasing mother-child proximity.
  • John Bowlby Correct
The father of the ecological systems theory.
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner Correct
The government of a country is an example of a macrosystem
  • True Correct
The importance of schemas was most clearly highlighted by:
  • Piaget's cognitive development theory Correct
The lasting psychological connectedness between human beings.
  • Attachment Correct
The libido now becomes focused on the anus and the child derives satisfaction from defecating.
  • Anal Stage Correct
The link between the child's home and their school is an example of the _______ in Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory
  • mesosystem Correct
The macrosystem includes the transitions and shifts in one's lifespan. According to a majority of research, children are negatively affected on the first year after the divorce. The next years after it would reveal that the interaction within the family becomes more stable and agreeable.
  • False Correct
The main achievement of children during the sensorimotor stage is -
  • Object permanence Correct
The mesosystem is the direct environment we have in our lives.
  • False Correct
The mesosytem involves the relationships between the microsystems in one's life.
  • True Correct
The model in observational learning is the person who
  • is imitated by the learner. Correct
The outcome of cognitive development is thinking.
  • True Correct
The processes through which children internalize meaning in social interaction and organize it in an internal psychological system
  • Meaning-making Correct
The red candy taps on which part of the mind?
  • Preconscious Correct
The Scaffolding Theory involves the helpful, structured interaction between an adult and a child with the aim of helping the child achieve a specific goal.
  • True Correct
The school board passes a new rule that limits the number of students allowed in each classroom in order to enhance teacher-student relationships. This is an example of which of Bronfenbrenner's environmental systems?
  • Microsystem Correct
The Social Development Theory states that development takes place before social interaction; consciousness and cognition are the results of socialization and social behavior
  • False Correct
The stage that occurs between birth and one year of age is concerned with:
  • Trust vs. Mistrust Correct
The study involving young children and a Bobo doll found that
  • children exposed to an aggressive live model were more aggressive than children not subjected to an aggressive live model. Correct
The unconscious mind can verbalize about your conscious experience and you can think about it in an logical fasion.
  • False Correct
The will to imitate a behavior is also based on rewards and punishment that follow a
  • Motivation Correct
The yellow candy taps on which part of the mind?
  • Conscious Correct
This characteristic of development explains that development consists of biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects
  • Multidimensional Correct
This characteristic of development explains that development progresses through a span of time with different points in the life of a person.
  • Lifelong Correct
This characteristic of development is evidenced by development consisting of biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional dimensions.
  • Multidimensional Correct
This characteristic of development means that developmental changes occur naturally and in all directions, not in a solid path. Development is a continuity of change that produces gains or losses which will prove to enhance future change
  • Multidirectional Correct
This characteristic of development pertains to the setting within which development takes place as influenced by historical, economic, social, and cultural factors.
  • Contextual Correct
This course is taught by the mentor:
Professor Maria Joy Lorica

Maria Joy Lorica

BS Psychology at Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo.

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